The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
201. Finnimore, Humphry, active 18th century The trial of Humphry Finnimore, Esq. (reputed to be worth forty thousand pounds), who was tried at the quarter session holden for the county of Surrey in the Town-Hall, Southwark, on Thursday the 14th day of January 1779 and convicted of felony in stealing of five turkies, the property of Thomas Humphries London: Printed for B. White ... and J. Sewel; 1779

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1043512
202. Wick, Peter A. The names and arms of the twenty five barons who were elected to inforce the observance of the Magna Charta

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 23314293
203. Hawaii Five-0 2018-10-05

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 21803398
204. Hawaii Five-0 2019-03-08

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 21901067
205. Children who stay in the city--Children who go to Rockaway Five Points, N.Y.: Donaldson Brothers; [ca. 1900]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 11612678
206. Harris & Ewing "Gridiron Women" hold frolic while men fete President at Press Club. Washington, D.C., Dec. 16. While the Gridiron Club of Washington is holding its annual dinner for the Presdient at the National Press Club, women officials, newspaper women, and wives of members and guests of the Gridiron Club, dubbed "gridiron Widows" by Mrs. Roosevelt, will gather at the White House for their own party. five "impossible moments" in the highest official and social circles of Washington will be presented in gag form. More, one of those moments is built around the forthcoming visit of the British king and queen, and is the "Cummings Courtesy Class" in which Mrs. Homer S. Cummings, the one Cabinet lady who has been presented at the Court of St. James', drills her fellow cabinet ladies in their prospective duties. The ladies are exhausted after one of the sessions. They are: Mrs. Ickes - Violet Sweethaven, Mrs. Wallce - Vesta Cummings, Mrs. Perkins - Doris Fleeson, Mrs. Morgenthau - Jane Eads, Mrs. Hull - Ruth Jones, Mrs. Cummings - Beth Campbell, Mrs. Woodring - Dudley Hermon, Mrs. Farley - Bab Lincoln, Mrs. Swanson - Julia Bonwitt, Mrs. Rober - Mary Hornaday. Mrs. Ickes, still poppy, is doing a dance step and asking, "Can't we swing it a little?" [19]38 December 16

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20254518
207. Recreational structures. Big Ridge Lake. Diving tower, beach and bath house may be seen in the background. This forty-five acre body of water has proved an attractive recreation spot for thousands of visitors since it was first opened to the public in May 1934. Encircled by the 3,500 acres of wooded hills in Big Ridge Park, the resort is provided with a boathouse, bath house, a public lodge, nineteen modern vacation cabins and a beach with a specially constructed pool for children. Located on the eastern boundary of Norris reservoir about twenty-five miles northeast of Knoxville, Tennessee, the lake was formed by constuction of a small dam across one of the arms of the reservoir. This recreation area and the 3,800 acre Noris Park near Norris Dam were developed by the National Park Service and the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) in cooperation with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). This is one of many comparable parks on TVA reservoirs, most of which are in use and greatly enjoyed by tourists as well as residents of the surrounding area who previously had few, if any, outdoor opportunites for ourtdoor sport and recreation. The completion of other recreational parks has been prevented by the war between 1933 and 1945

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20077618
208. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 8 P.M. Farrell family, 151 Eleventh St., Brooklyn. (See schedule.) They had temporarily discontinued the brush making, but sent to a neighbor for materials and posed for me, just as they had been doing it. The little five year old on the right is very deft. Her eyes seemed to be troubling her. Boy on left is a neighbor who makes them too. The father complained of the little money there is in the work 1912 February

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20687801
209. Delano, Jack, 1914-1997 Part of a trailer camp for migratory workers, employed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Trailer space is one dollar a week, and small bunk houses five dollars a week. One water spigot near the general store serves the whole camp until 6 p.m. On the left is an old trolley car used as living quarters by a small family who came one hundred miles to work at the Fort. Some of the families here came from Texas, Idaho, Georgia, South Carolina and other parts of North Carolina twelve miles from Fayetteville, North Carolina (Manchester) 1941 Mar

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19919866
210. Palmer, Alfred T. Defense housing, Erie, Pennsylvania. Richard S. Neff (standing in doorway) U.S. Housing Authority Inspector, who with his crew of five men, sees that defense homes meet up with the standards established by the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) Division of Defense Housing Co-ordination 1941 July

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19634921
211. Underwood & Underwood Tables with five-cent meals for men who are cleaning away ruins to rebuild San Francisco, Cal 1906

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 23147796
212. Lange, Dorothea Tracy (vicinity), California. Missouri family of five who are seven months from the drought area on U.S. Highway 99. "Broke, baby sick, and car trouble!" 1937 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19886065
213. Delano, Jack, 1914-1997 [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Bayamon, Puerto Rico (vicinity). Tent colony of twenty-five families who had been squatters on land taken over by the Navy. They are to be resettled by the land authority] 1941 Dec

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19923545
214. A youthful linguistic protege. This Albanian boy, a type of the better class speaks five different languages. He is employed by the American Red Cross relief workers as an interpreter and messenger. The boy never went to school, but was taught by his father, the prefet of Tirana, who was graduated from the American College at Constantinople 9 January 1920 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19503359
215. McClanahan, Rue My first five husbands-- and the ones who got away New York: Broadway Books; c2007

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 15596593
216. McClanahan, Rue My first five husbands ... and the ones who got away New York: Random House Large Print in association with Broadway Books; c2007

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 14755058
217. Shapiro, Susan Five men who broke my heart New York: Delacorte Press; 2004

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 13203254
218. Parrino, Nick [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Lieutenant Colonel William K. McKnown, of Lawrence, Kansas, commander of the 314th Squadron of the 57th Fighter Group (center, wearing leather jacket) talking to his two aces, who each shot down five enemy planes over the Sicilian straits on April 18th; Lieutenant Duffey on his right and Lieutenant Powers on his left. The boys grouped around are officers of the 314th Squadron. Some of them took part in the air attack] 1943 Apr

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20055172
219. Kelso, Megan Who will make the pancakes: five stories Seattle: Fantagraphics Books, Inc; 2022

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22472177
220. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 The smallest shrimp-picker, standing on the box is Manuel, about five years old, who worked here last year also. Cannot understand a word of English. Dunbar, Lopez, Dukate Co 1911 February

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20686966

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