The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service

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  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
1. inscribing

Production Method
Authority inscrib
2. daguerreotype process

Production Method
Authority daguerre
3. photoengraving

Production Method
Authority photoeng
4. etching

Production Method
Authority etch
5. lithography

Production Method
Authority litho
6. thermoform

Production Method
Authority thermo
7. engraving

Production Method
Authority engrav
8. embossing

Production Method
Authority emboss
9. solid dot

Production Method
Authority solid
10. dual layer

Production Method
Authority duallayer
double layer
11. burning

Production Method
Authority burn
12. collotype

Production Method
Authority collo
13. stamping

Production Method
Authority stamp
14. swell paper

Production Method
Authority swell
15. printing

Production Method
Authority print
16. blueline process

Production Method
Authority blueline
17. blueprint process

Production Method
Authority blueprint
18. white print process

Production Method
Authority white
19. photocopying

Production Method
Authority photocopy
20. photogravure process

Production Method
Authority photograv

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