The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service

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  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
1. government publication

MARC Genre Terms
Authority gov
2. comedy

MARC Genre Terms
Authority cod
3. humor, satire

MARC Genre Terms
Authority hum
4. speech

MARC Genre Terms
Authority spe
5. biography

MARC Genre Terms
Authority bio
6. script

MARC Genre Terms
Authority scr
7. bibliographic data

MARC Genre Terms
Authority bda
8. filmography

MARC Genre Terms
Authority fil
9. atlas

MARC Genre Terms
Authority atl
10. letter

MARC Genre Terms
Authority let
11. instruction

MARC Genre Terms
Authority ins
12. conference publication

MARC Genre Terms
Authority cpb
13. transparency

MARC Genre Terms
Authority tra
14. law report or digest

MARC Genre Terms
Authority law
law digest
15. finding aid

MARC Genre Terms
Authority fin
16. filmstrip

MARC Genre Terms
Authority fls
17. patent

MARC Genre Terms
Authority pat
18. comic or graphic novel

MARC Genre Terms
Authority cgn
graphic novel
19. encyclopedia

MARC Genre Terms
Authority enc
20. legal article

MARC Genre Terms
Authority lea

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