1. |
EuroVoc thesaurus (Multilingual)
Subject Schemes
Authority |
eurovoc |
2. |
International energy: subject thesaurus
Subject Schemes
Authority |
iest |
3. |
Lokale trefwoorden OB Den Haag
Subject Schemes
Authority |
trfdh |
4. |
List of Chinese subject terms
Subject Schemes
Authority |
lcstt |
5. |
National Library of Israel authority file
Subject Schemes
Authority |
nli |
8. |
Eduskunnan kirjaston asiasanasto
Subject Schemes
Authority |
eks |
9. |
HAPI thesaurus and name authority, 1970-2000
Subject Schemes
Authority |
hapi |
11. |
Nasjonalbibliotekets emne- og sjangervokabular
Subject Schemes
Authority |
norvok |
14. |
Congress.gov Policy Areas
Subject Schemes
Authority |
cgpa |
15. |
Brinkman onderwerp thesaurus
Subject Schemes
Authority |
btr |
16. |
Peoplefrom.co.uk - Demonyms of the United Kingdom
Subject Schemes
Authority |
ppluk |
17. |
British education thesaurus
Subject Schemes
Authority |
bet |
19. |
Bibliography of the Hebrew book
Subject Schemes
Authority |
bhb |