Label | Dataset | Type | Subdivision | Identifier | |
61. | inscriber |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
ins | |
62. | compositor |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
cmt | |
typesetter | |||||
63. | architect |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
arc | |
64. | addressee |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
rcp | |
recipient | |||||
65. | judge |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
jud | |
66. | casting director |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
cad | |
67. | dedicatee |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
dte | |
dedicatee of item | |||||
68. | redaktor |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
red | |
69. | television producer |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
tlp | |
70. | remix artist |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
rxa | |
71. | performer |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
prf | |
72. | patron |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
pat | |
commissioning body | |||||
73. | videographer |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
vdg | |
74. | opponent |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
opn | |
75. | curator |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
cur | |
curator of an exhibition | |||||
76. | seller |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
sll | |
77. | dubbing director |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
dbd | |
78. | thesis advisor |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
ths | |
promoter | |||||
79. | transcriber |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
trc | |
80. | licensee |
Relators |
Authority ObjectProperty Role |
lse | |
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