Subject Schemes
- Subject Schemes contains a list of subject schemes and assigns a URI to each scheme. The purpose of these properties is to permit users to associate controlled subjects with the appropriate subject scheme. These schemes are general subject heading and thesauri, such as the Library of Congress Subject Headings, along with a number of focused subject term lists like Medical Subject Headings or Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names.
Scheme Members
- 1814-bibliografi: emneord for 1814-bibliografi
- AFO - Viikin kampuskirjaston ontologia
- African Studies thesaurus
- Agricultural thesaurus and glossary
- AGRIFOREST-sanasto
- AGROVOC multilingual agricultural thesaurus
- AGROVOC tesauro agrícola multilingée
- AGROVOC thésaurus agricole multilingue
- AIATSIS language thesaurus
- AIATSIS place thesaurus
- AIATSIS subject thesaurus
- Allärs: allmän tesaurus pä svenska
- Alphavētikos Katalogos Thematikōn Perigrapheōn
- Alternativform zum Hauptschlagwort
- American Folklore Society ethnographic thesaurus
- American University of Beirut subject headings
- APAIS thesaurus: a list of subject terms used in the Australian Public Affairs Information Service
- Aquatic sciences and fisheries thesaurus
- Arabic subject headings of the Lebanese National Library (ASH) = Ru'ûs al-Mawdû'ât al-'Arabîyah lil-Maktabah al-Waṭanīyah al-Lubnānīyah
- Arbetslivsbibliotekets tesaurus
- Archeio Kathierōmenōn Epikephalidōn
- Art & architecture thesaurus
- Art and architectural thesaurus terms translated into Norwegian
- Asian American Studies Library subject headings
- Asiasanasto HELECON-tietikantoihin
- Astronomy thesaurus
- Att indexera skönlitteratur: Ämnesordslista, vuxenlitteratur
- Australian and New Zealand research classification (ANZSRC)
- Australian and New Zealand standard industrial classification (ANZSIC)
- Australian and New Zealand standard offence classification (ANZSOC)
- Australian extension to LCSH
- Australian harmonized export commodity classification (AHECC)
- Australian standard classification of drugs of concern
- Australian standard classification of education (ASCED)
- Australian standard research classification: research fields, courses and disciplines (RFCD) classification
- Australian standard research classification: socio-economic objective (SEO) classification
- Australian standard research classification: type of activity (TOA) classification
- Australian thesaurus of education descriptors (ATED)
- Authority tables
- Autoridades de la Biblioteca Nacional de España
- Baldick, C. The Oxford dictionary of literary terms
- Barcala de Moyano, Graciela G., Cristina Voena. Tesauro de Historia Argentina
- Base de donneés FRANCIS: plan de classement = FRANCIS database classification scheme
- Base de donneés PASCAL: plan de classement = PASCAL database classification scheme
- Bella: specialtesaurus för skönlitteratur
- BHA, Bibliographie d'histoire de l'art, mots-matière/français
- BHA, Bibliography of the history of art, subject headings/English
- BIBBI autoriteter
- Bibliography of the Hebrew book
- Bibliotheca Alexandrina name and subject authority file
- BIC children's books marketing classifications
- BIC standard subject categories
- Bilindex: a bilingual Spanish-English subject heading list
- Bioethics thesaurus
- BISAC merchandising themes
- BISAC regional themes
- BISAC subject headings
- Bjornson: emneord for Bjornsonbibliografien
- Bokbasen
- Brinkman onderwerp thesaurus
- British education thesaurus
- British Library - Map library subject headings
- British Library newspaper place names
- BSI ROOT thesaurus
- Buddhist Digital Resource Center
- CAB thesaurus
- Callegari, Horacio. Diccionario de gentilicios americanos
- Canadian Geographical Names Database
- Canadian subject headings
- Carto-Canadiana thesaurus - English
- Carto-Canadiana thésaurus - Français
- Catalogage des documents cartographiques: forme et structure des vedettes noms géographiques - NF Z 44-081
- Catalogue collectif suisse des affiches
- Centraal Bestand Kinderboeken
- Centrale catalogus kaarten
- Chicago Collections Consortium controlled vocabulary
- Chicano thesaurus for indexing Chicano materials in Chicano periodical index
- Children's and Young Adults' Cataloging subject headings
- Children's subject headings in Library of Congress subject headings: supplementary vocabularies
- Chinese subject headings
- Chiropractic subject headings
- CIESIN indexing vocabulary
- Cilla: specialtesaurus för musik
- Clasificación Decimal Universal
- Classificatieschema's Bibliotheek TU Delft
- Classification scheme in Isis
- Collett-bibliografi: litteratur av og om Camilla Collett
- Combined standards glossary
- COMPASS subject authority system
- Policy Areas
- CONOR.SI (name authority file)
- CONOR.SR authority files of personal and corporate names
- Controlled vocabulary in Health and safety science abstracts
- Controlled vocabulary in Pollution abstracts
- Counties and equivalent entities of the United States its possessions, and associated areas
- Croatian MeSH / Hrvatski MeSH
- CSA life sciences collection thesaurus
- Cuddon, J. A. A dictionary of literary terms and literary theory
- Czech MeSH
- DBC Subject Headings
- DDC retrieval and indexing terminology; posting terms with hierarchy and KWOC
- Defense intelligence production schedule
- Defense intelligence thesaurus
- Defense Technical Information Center thesaurus
- Descritores em ciências da saúde = Descriptores en ciencias de la salud = Health sciences descriptors
- Deskryptory Biblioteki Narodowej = National Library of Poland descriptors
- Deutsche Historische Bibliografie - Jahresberichte für deutsche Geschichte - Schlagwörter (Bibliography of German History - Annual Bibliography on German History - Subject Headings
- Dewey Decimal Classification relative index
- Dewey Decimal Classification user terms
- Dicionário de gentílicos e topónimos
- Dickson, Paul. Labels for locals
- Dissertation abstracts online in Search tools: the guide to UNI/Data Courier Online
- Drama: specialtesaurus för teater och dans
- Dugas, Jean-Yves. Dictionnaire universel des gentilés en français
- E4Libraries category headings
- ECLAS thesaurus
- Eduskunnan kirjaston asiasanasto
- Eesti uldine märksonastik
- ELSST Thesaurus - European Language Social Science Thesaurus
- Emneord for musikkdokument i EDB-kataloger
- Emneord, KHiB Biblioteket
- Encabezamientos bilingües de la Fundación Educativa Ana G. Mendez
- Encabezamientos de materia de la Biblioteca Complutense
- Encabezamientos de materia de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza
- Encabezamientos de materia de la Biblioteca de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
- Encabezamientos de materia de la Biblioteca Islámica de la Biblioteca AECID
- Encabezamientos de materia de la Biblioteca Nacional de España
- Energy subject thesaurus
- Erfaringskompetanses emneord
- European education thesaurus
- European Thesaurus on International Relations and Area Studies
- Eurovoc thesaurus (English)
- Eurovoc thesaurus (French)
- EuroVoc thesaurus (Multilingual)
- Eurovoc thesaurus (Slovenian)
- Eurovoc thesaurus (Spanish)
- Evropski pedagoški tezaver = European education thesaurus (EET) : slovenska razlčica - izdelana po angleški različci
- Expanded thesaurus (Maknaz) = al-Maknaz al-Muwassa'
- Faceted application of subject terminology
- FamilySearch subject headings
- Federal Reserve Subject Taxonomy
- FinMeSH
- FireTalk, IFSI thesaurus
- First Nations House of Learning subject headings
- Functional classification of buildings
- Gale Group subject thesaurus and named entity vocabulary
- GAMECIP - computer game media formats
- GAMECIP - computer game platforms
- Gay studies thesaurus: a controlled vocabulary for indexing and accessing materials of relevance to gay culture, history, politics and psychology
- Gazetteer of planetary nomenclature
- GEM controlled vocabularies
- Gemeinsame Normdatei
- GEMET thesaurus
- Gender, sex, and sexual orientation (GSSO) ontology
- Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)
- Geographic Names Server (GNS)
- GeoNames
- GeoRef thesaurus
- Getty thesaurus of geographic names
- GOO-trefwoorden thesaurus
- Government of Canada core subject thesaurus
- Guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK guide)
- - Nom des habitants de Belgique
- - Nom des habitants de Suisse
- - Nomi di abitanti d'Italia
- Hamsun: emneord for Hamsunbibliografien
- HAPI thesaurus and name authority, 1970-2000
- He puna kupu / Maori Wordnet
- Hennepin County Library cumulative authority list
- HLAS subject term glossary
- Hoitotieteellinen asiasanasto
- Homosaurus: an international LGBTQ linked data vocabulary
- Hong Kong Chinese authority file (Name) - HKCAN
- Hrvatski mjesni rječnik
- Ibsen: emneord for den internasjonale Ibsen-bibliografien
- Iconography authority
- ICPSR controlled vocabulary system
- ID-Archivschlüssel [Informationsdienst zur Verbreitung unterbliebener Nachrichten]
- IdRef: identifiants et référentiels
- ILO thesaurus
- Index of Christian art
- Index to legal periodicals: thesaurus
- Indexation matiéres RERO
- Indexation matiéres RERO autorités
- INIS: thesaurus
- INSPEC thesaurus
- Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)
- International children's rights thesaurus
- International energy subject categories and scope
- International energy: subject thesaurus
- International thesaurus of gay and lesbian index terms
- International thesaurus of refugee terminology
- Investigació, Procés Tècnicn kirjaston asiasanasto
- IPA thesaurus and frequency list
- IPTC NewsCodes
- Iskanje po zbirki MECH
- Język haseł przedmiotowych Biblioteki Narodowej = National Library of Poland subject headings
- Język haseł przedmiotowych KABA
- Język haseł przedmiotowych KABA = KABA subject headings
- JUHO - Julkishallinnon ontologia
- JUPO - Julkisen hallinnon palveluontologia
- Kapsner, Oliver Leonard. Catholic subject headings
- Käsi - ja taideteollisuuden asiasanasto
- Kassu - Kasvien suomenkieliset nimet
- Kasvatusalan asiasanasto
- Katalogos Hellēnikōn thematikōn epikephalidōn
- Katalogos kathierōmenōn onomatōn physikōn prosōpōn
- Katalogos Kathierōmenōn Typōn Syllogikou Katalogou Demosion Vivliothekon
- KAUNO - Kaunokki-ontologin
- Kaunokki: kaunokirjallisuuden asiasanasto
- Khung dê muc hê thông thông tin khoa hoc và ky thuât quôc gia
- Kielitieteen asiasanasto
- Kihon kenmei hyômokuhyô = [Japan Library Association] Basic subject headings
- Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen asiasanasto
- Kirjasto- ja tietopalvelualan tesaurus
- KITO - Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen ontologia
- Klassifikationssystem for svenska bibliotek. Ämnesordregister. Alfabetisk del
- KOKO-ontologia
- Koktsu Kokkai Toshokan kenmei hyômokuhyô = National Diet Library list of subject headings
- KTO - Kielitieteen ontologia
- kubikat
- KULO - Kulttuurien tutkimuksen ontologia
- Kulttuurien tutkimuksen asiasanasto
- KVINNSAM ämnesordsregister = KVINNSAM subject headings
- Land Tenure Center Library list of subject headings
- Lapponica
- Le petit Robert des noms propres: dictionnaire illustré
- Legislative indexing vocabulary
- Legislative subject terms
- Library and Archives Canada name authority file
- Library of Congress Annotated Children's Cataloging Program subject headings
- Library of Congress demographic group term and code list
- Library of Congress subject headings
- Lietuvos nacionalines Martyno Mazvydo bibliotekos rubrikynas
- Liikunnan ja urheilun asiasanasto
- LIITO - Liiketoimintaontologia
- List of Chinese subject terms
- Lista ARMARC de encabezamientos de materia para bibliotecas mayores
- Lista de assuntos referente ao programa de cadastramento automatizado de livros da USP
- Lista de encabezamientos de materia para bibliotecas
- Listado de encabezamientos de materia de música
- Liste systématique et liste permutée des descripteurs français MeSH
- Llista d'encapçalaments de matèria en català
- Locally assigned term
- Lokale trefwoorden Biblionet Groningen
- Lokale trefwoorden Bibliotheek Midden-Brabant
- Lokale trefwoorden de Bibliotheek Arnhem
- Lokale trefwoorden OB Den Haag
- Lokale trefwoorden OBA
- Lokale trefwoorden Zeeuwse Bibliotheken
- Macrothesaurus for information processing in the field of economic and social development
- Macrothesaurus para el procesamiento de la información relativa al desarrollo económico y social
- Macrothésaurus pour le traitement de l'information relative au développement économique et social
- Madâkhil al-asmâ' al-'arabîyah al-qadîmah
- Maknas Uloom al Waqaf
- MAO/TAO - Ontologi för museibranschen och Konstindustriella ontologin
- Māori subject headings thesaurus - Ngā Ūpoko Tukutuku
- Mathematical subject classification
- Medical subject headings
- Medical subject headings supplementary records
- Menneskerettighets-tesaurus
- Merenkulun asiasanasto = MariTerm (Maritime technology)
- MERO - Merenkulkualan ontologia
- Metatietosanasto
- Museoalan asiasanasto
- Musiikin asiasanasto: erikoissanasto
- MUSO - Ontologi för musik
- MuzeMusic UK classical music classification
- MuzeMusic UK non-classical music classification
- MuzeVideo UK contributor index
- NACO authority file
- NASA thesaurus
- Nasjonalbibliotekets emne- og sjangervokabular
- National Agricultural Library name authority file
- National Agricultural Library subject headings
- National criminal justice thesaurus
- National Emergency Training Center thesaurus (NETC)
- National Library of Israel authority file
- National Library of Korea subject headings
- National Library of Medicine name authority file
- National Museum of the American Indian culture thesaurus
- National Translations Center primary subject classification in National Translations Center primary subject classification and secondary descriptors
- National Translations Center secondary descriptor in National Translation Center primary subject classification and secondary descriptor
- Natsional'nyi normativnyi fail geograficheskikh nazvanii Rossiiskoi Federatsii
- NBD Biblion Trefwoordenthesaurus
- NBIs emneordsliste for faglitteratur
- Nederlandse Thesaurus van Auteursnamen
- Nederlandse Thesaurus voor Corporaties = Dutch corporations authority file
- New Zealand gazetteer of official geographic names
- New Zealand national bibliography
- NICEM subject headings and classification system
- NIMA cartographic subject categories
- Noram: emneord for Norsk-amerikansk samling
- Norbok: emneord i Norsk bokfortegnelse (Norbok)
- Norske tidsskrifter 1700-1820: emneord
- Norwegian authority file
- Norwegian Authority File: Persons and Corporate Bodies
- Norwegian MeSH
- NTIS subject categories
- Nuovo soggettario
- Opetusministeriön asiasanasto
- Ordnokkelen: tesaurus for kulturminnevern
- Oregon GILS subject tree
- Pan-American authorities
- Patent- och registreringsverkets tesaurus
- Peace Palace thesaurus
- - Demonyms of the United Kingdom
- Perinnetieteiden asiasanasto
- PeriodO: a gazetteer of period definitions for linking and visualizing data
- Placenames database of Ireland
- Pleiades: a gazetteer of past places
- Political science thesaurus II
- POPIN thesaurus: population multilingual thesaurus
- Powerhouse Museum object name thesaurus
- PRECIS: a manual of concept analysis and subject indexing
- Predmetnik za katoliške knjižnice
- Predmetnye rubriki Rossiiskoi knizhnoi palaty
- Princeton encyclopedia of poetry and poetics
- Priručnik za izradu predmetnog kataloga u Nacionalnoj i sveučilišnoj knjičnici u Zagrebu (Manual for NSK subject headings)
- Project management terminology
- ProQuest subject categories
- PUHO - Puolustushallinnon ontologia
- Puolostushallinnon asiasanasto
- Qâ'imat ru'ûs al-mawdû'ât al-'Arabîyah al-qiyâsîyah al-maktabât wa-marâkaz al-ma'lûmât wa-qawâid al-bayânât
- Qâ'imat ru'ûs al-mawdûât al-'Arabîyah = List of Arabic subject headings
- Qâ'imat ru'ûs mawdû'ât al-fahras al-'Arabîyah al-mowahad = Arabic Union Catalog Subject Headings
- Qatar National Library name authority file
- Qatar National Library subject headings
- Queens Library Spanish language subject headings
- Queer literature indexing thesaurus
- Queer thesaurus: an international thesaurus of gay and lesbian index terms
- Quiding, Nils Herman. Svenskt allmänt författningsregister för tiden från år 1522 till och med år 1862
- Quinn, E. A dictionary of literary and thematic terms
- RAMEAU: répertoire d'autorité-matière encyclopédique et alphabétique unifié
- Regeln für den Schlagwortkatalog
- Religion indexes: thesaurus
- Renib [base de datos de autoridad]
- Répertoire d'autorités-sujet de l'UQAM
- Répertoire de vedettes-matière
- Répertoire de vedettes-matière: vocabulaire à facettes normalisé
- Roggau, Zunilda. Tell. Tesauro de lengua y literatura
- Ru'us al-mawdu'at al-'Arabiyah
- Rubrikator po ekonomike = Rubricator on economics
- Sámi bibliografia (Norga) = Samisk bibliografi (Norge) = Sami bibliography (Norway)
- Saskatchewan indigenous subject heading
- Schlagwortnormdatei
- Schools online thesaurus (ScOT)
- SCIS subject headings
- Sears list of subject headings
- Sears: lista de encabezamientos de materia
- Sexual nomenclature: a thesaurus
- SHE: subject headings for engineering
- Short Title Catalogus Vlaanderen = Short title catalogue Flanders
- SIGLE [System for information on grey literature in Europe] manual, Part 2, Subject category list
- SIPRI library thesaurus
- Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum directory of airplanes
- Sociaalialan asiasanasto
- Sociological abstracts thesaurus
- Soggettario della Biblioteca "Angelicum" (Pontificia Università S. Tommaso d'Aquino Roma)
- Soggettario per i cataloghi delle biblioteche italiane
- Soggettario sistema Bibliotecario Ticinese
- Solstad: emneord for Solstadbibliografien
- SOTO - Sotatieteen ontologia
- Soubor vĕcných autorit Národní knihovny ČR = CZENAS thesaurus: a list of subject terms used in the National Library of the Czech Republic
- South African national bibliography authority file
- Splolšni geslovnik COBISS.SI = COBISS.SI general list of subject headings (Slovenian subject headings)
- Splošni geslovnik COBISS.SI = COBISS.SI general list of subject headings (English subject headings)
- Splošni slovenski geslovnik
- Standard economic sector classifications of Australia (SESCA)
- Standard-Thesaurus Wirtschaft = STW thesaurus for economics
- Subject categorization guide for defense science and technology
- Subject heading authority list
- Subject headings for school and public libraries = Encabezamientos de materia para bibliotecas escolares y públicas
- Subject headings in business and economics
- Subject key in Marxism and the mass media
- Subject taxonomy of the history of U.S. foreign relations
- Svenska ämnesord
- Svenska ämnesord för barn
- Svenska barnboksinstitutets ämnesordslista
- Svenska filminstitutets tesaurus
- Svenska MeSH = Swedish MeSH
- Taideteollisuuden asiasanasto
- Taxonomy or human services: a conceptual framework with standardized terminology and definitions for the field
- Teatterin ja tanssin asiasanasto
- TEK-ord : UBiTs emneordliste for arkitektur, realfag, og teknolog
- Teologisen tiedekunnan kirjaston asiasanasto
- TERO - Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin ontologia
- Tesauro agrícola
- Tesauro de Economía de la Biblioteca Central de MINECO
- Tesauro de la Biblioteca Dr. Jorge Villalobos Padilla, S.J.
- Tesauro de la Biblioteca Hispánica de la Biblioteca AECID
- Tesauro especializado en filosofía, con enfoque de género by Marcia Ugarte Barquero
- Tesauro ISOC de psicología
- Tesauro SAIJ de derecho Argentino
- Tesauro SPINES: un vocabulario controlado y estructurado para el tratamiento de información sobre ciencia y tecnología para el desarrollo
- Tesaurus de asuntos sociales del Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales de España
- Th.I.A. - Thesaurus italiano infanzia e adolescenza = Th.I.A. - Italian thesaurus on childhood and adolescence
- Thai subject heading database: online Thai subject headings
- Thema
- Thematrefwoorden CCK
- Thesauros Hellēnikōn Oron
- Thesaurus de la Universitat de Barcelona
- Thesaurus der Bibliothek der FES / FES
- Thesaurus der Gnomon Bibliographischen Datenbank
- Thésaurus des descripteurs de groupes démographiques de l'Université Laval
- Thesaurus for graphic materials: TGM I, Subject terms
- Thesaurus for the social sciences
- Thesaurus for use in college and university archives
- Thesaurus IDS Basel Bern
- Thesaurus IDS Nebis Bibliothek Englisches Seminar der Universität Zürich
- Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich
- Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Graphische Sammlung
- Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Handschriftenabteilung
- Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Kartensammlung
- Thesaurus IDS Nebis Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Nordamerika-Bibliothek
- Thesaurus of engineering and scientific terms
- Thesaurus of ERIC descriptors
- Thesaurus of Florida place names
- Thesaurus of law
- Thesaurus of psychological index terms
- Thesaurus of subject headings for television
- Thesaurus of water resources terms: a collection of water resources and related terms for use in indexing technical information
- ThLA – Thesaurus for landscape
- TOBB ETU English Subject Headings = TOBB ETÜ İngilizce Konu Başlıkları
- TOBB ETU Turkish Subject Headings = TOBB ETÜ Türkçe Konu Başlıkları
- Torre Aparicio, Tomás de la. Diccionario de gentilicios: toponimicos españoles
- Transportation research thesaurus
- Trimboli, T., and Martyn S. Marianist subject headings
- TSR-ontologia
- U.S. Geological Survey water-supply paper 2294: hydrologic basins unit codes
- UK standard library categories
- UNBIS name authority list
- UNBIS thesaurus
- UNESCO thesaurus = Thésaurus de l'UNESCO = Tesauro de la UNESCO
- Union list of artist names
- Universal decimal classification
- University Library of Santiago de Compostela headings in Galician
- University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute structured thesaurus
- University of Oslo Library thesaurus of science (Realfagstermer)
- USAID thesaurus: keywords used to index documents included in the USAID Development Experience System
- VALO - Fotografiska ontologin
- Vedettes-matière jeunesse
- Villagrá Rubio, Angel. Tesauro ISOC de sociología autores
- Vocabulario controlado de arquitectura, arte, diseño y urbanismo
- Vocabulario de la Biblioteca Central de la FFyL
- Washington GILS subject tree
- Wikidata
- WO2-thesaurus
- Women's thesaurus
- WPIC Library thesaurus of subject headings
- Yleinen suomalainen asiasanasto
- YSO - Yleinen suomalainen ontologia
- Zhong guo fen lei zhu ti ci biao (di er ban) = Chinese classified thesaurus
- Zhong guo gu ji shan ban shu zong mu fen lei biao [Si ku]
- Zhongguo gu ji zong mu
Instance Of
Change Notes
- 2020-10-14: new
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