- .xA15-.xZ9
Table Identification
- K12
- Law--Table for regions, countries, states, provinces, etc. (Cutter no.)
Is Guide Table For
Use With Schedule(s)
- Women
- Malaria
- Automobile industry
- Biotechnology industries
- Steel industry
- Twine industry
- Coffee
- Munitions
- Tobacco
- Retail trade
- Services trades
- Warehouses
- School buildings
- Feng shui
- Divinity, Renunciation of
- Imperial House Law (16 January 1947)
- Regency
- Succession (dynastic) to the throne
- Serfdom. Emancipation of the serfs, 1861
- Slavery
- Building and construction
- Computer contracts
- Consulting contracts
- Management contracts
- Plumbing, heating, and wiring
- Shipbuilding
- Transportation contracts
- Asbestos
- Computer programs. Computer software
- Drugs
- Derivative securities
- Insider trading in securities
- Swaps
- Endorsement
- Holder in due course
- Loss
- Novation by bills of exchange
- Protest
- Stamp laws
- Forgery or alteration
- Stamp laws
- Travelers' checks
- Bearer instruments
- Consideration
- Stamp laws
- Possessory liens
- Financial institutions. Financial services industry. Banks
- Ship mortgages
- Consolat de mar (Consulate of the sea)
- Laws of Amalfi
- Laws of Oléron
- Laws of Trani
- Rhodian laws
- Abandonment
- Arrest of seagoing ships
- Assistance and salvage at sea. Wreck
- Barratry
- Bottomry and respondentia
- Criminal jurisdiction
- Immunity of state-owned ships
- Maritime courts. Admiralty
- Stowage
- Towage
- Wrongful death
- Accommodation on shipboard
- Hours of labor
- Vacation and holidays
- Wages
- Welfare in ports
- Abuse of rights
- Artificial insemination. Human reproductive technology
- Biomedical engineering
- Causation
- Chicanery
- Clothing and dress
- Conditions
- Damages
- Duress
- Estoppel
- Fraud
- Good faith
- Illegality
- Intent
- Legal documents
- Liability
- Limitation of actions
- Loyalty. Duty of loyalty
- Negligence
- Nullity
- Oath
- Preventive law
- Renunciation
- Risk
- Simulation
- Time (Computation of time)
- Vested rights
- Waiver
- Computers and privacy
- Online reputation management
- Unauthorized publication of picture
- Presumption
- Accountants. Auditors
- Anthropologists
- Statisticians. Mathematicians
- Attorney and client
- Confessional. Penitential communications
- Consent of the injured party
- Duress and threats
- Necessity
- Self-defense
- Superior orders
- Surgical operations and medical treatment
- Oceanography. Marine sciences
- Social sciences
- Weather
- General
- Dietary supplements
- Infant formulas
- Preservatives. Food additives
- Advertisements and commercials
- Computer programs
- Databases
- Drama
- Machine-readable bibliographic data
- Newspaper articles
- Titles
- Atomic power
- Biotechnology
- Chemicals
- Computer programs
- Drugs
- Food
- Microorganisms
- Nanotechnology
- Artificial insemination. Human reproductive technology
- Change of sex
- Confidential communications
- Death. Definition of death
- Euthanasia. Right to die. Living wills
- Female circumcision
- Genetics
- Human experimentation in medicine
- Informed consent
- Medical instruments and apparatus. Medical devices
- Neonatal intensive care
- Records, Medical
- Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc.
- Appraisal of goods
- Duty-free transit
- Free ports and zones
- Origin, Rules of
- Preferences, Tariff
- Standardization
- Terminology and classification. Nomenclature
- Automobile industry
- Banks
- Computer industry. Computer software industry
- Electronic commerce
- Entertainers
- Insurance companies
- Manufacturing industries
- Motion picture industry
- Nonresidents
- Professions
- Space industrialization
- Beer and malt liquors
- Petroleum. Natural gas
- Sugar
- Tobacco
- Corporate reorganization
- Mergers
- Intellectual property
- Leases
- Swaps
- Citizens living abroad
- Executives
- Trusts
- Venereal diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases
- Biotechnology industries
- Computers. Computer industry
- Luxury goods industry
- High technology industries
- Munitions
- Shipbuilding
- Halibut
- Salmon
- Seals
- Tuna
- Whales
- Accountants. Auditors
- Anesthesiologists
- Dentists
- Gynecologists. Obstetricians
- Lactation consultants
- Nurses
- Pediatricians
- Psychiatrists. Psychotherapists. Psychologists. Counselors
- Minerals. Metals
- Nuclear weapons materials
- Cocoa
- Coffee
- Cotton
- Fur
- Jute
- Olive oil
- Petroleum and petroleum products
- Raw materials
- Rubber
- Sugar
- Tea
- Tin
- Wheat
- Wool
- Hotels. Restaurants
- Tourist trade
- Beverages
- Gold and silver wares
- Dangerous articles
- Consumer protection
- Environmental aspects
- Investigation of aviation accidents
- Concessions
- Frontier sections of railroad lines
- Taxicabs
- Alarm systems
- Cargo stowage
- Diving systems
- Fires and fire prevention
- Machinery and electrical installations
- Pesticides
- Dangerous articles
- Grain
- Timber. Lumber
- Autonomous ships. Unmanned ships
- Bulk carrier cargo ships
- Fishing boats
- High-speed craft
- Nuclear ships
- Offshore support vessels
- Pleasure craft. Yachts
- Agricultural labor
- Alien (Foreign) workers. Migrant labor
- Aviation industry
- Clerks
- Household employees. Servants
- Professional athletes
- Baking industry
- Building and construction industry
- Coal industry
- Highway transport workers
- Iron and steel industry
- Textile workers
- Agricultural laborers
- Public works
- Agricultural laborers
- Agricultural labor
- Atomic industry
- Building and construction industry
- Laboratories
- Longshoremen
- Mining
- Offshore oil and gas
- Air pollution
- Asbestos exposure
- Lead poisoning
- Homeless persons
- Migrant labor
- Clergy
- Migrant labor
- Mothers' pensions
- Agricultural labor
- Quarantine
- Animals
- Computers. Internet
- Computers. Internet. Artificial intelligence
- Dogs
- Human body
- Information. Disclosure of information
- Letters
- Public interest law
- Whistle blowing
- Aesthetics
- Culture
- Geography
- Humanities
- Ideology
- Influence of economics on law
- Language
- Liberty
- Magic
- Mass media
- Music
- Politics
- Power
- Risk
- Science
- Secrecy
- Social science
- Sociobiology
- Technology
- Non-contentious jurisdiction
- Ancillary business activities
- Group arrangements
- Third party litigation funding
- Aviation lawyers
- Foreign lawyers
- Government service
- Public interest lawyers. Cause lawyers
- Women lawyers
- Research and development contracts
- Automobile accidents
- School accidents
- Sports accidents
- Medical malpractice
- Dogs. Chiens
- Misuse of one's right. Abus de droit en matière de contrat
- Rescission. Resiliation des contrats
- Exclusive rights clause. Clause d'exclusivité
- British associations and companies in France. Sociétés brittanniques en France
- Russian associations and companies in France. Sociétés russes en France
- Computer contracts
- Children of divorced or separated parents. Les enfants de parents divorcées ou separés
- Intellectual property. Propriété intellectuelle
- Separate earnings of either spouse. Wife's personal belongings. Biens réservés. Biens personnels
- Social security. Sécurité sociale
- Annuities. Rentes
- Building materials. Materiaux de construction
- Fungibles. Choses fongibles
- Life annuity. Rente viagère
- Personal property by anticipation. Quasi-personality. Meubles par anticipation
- Personal property of historic or artistic interest. Meubles presentant un intérêt historique ou artistique
- Registered personal property. Meubles immatricules
- Rentes foncières
- Statutory servitudes. Servitudes légales
- Repair, Keeping in. Réparation d'entretien
- Second homes. Résidences secondaires
- Urban real property. Immeubles urbains
- Suppliers of provisions to debtor and his family. Fournisseurs de subsistances faites au debiteur et à sa famille
- Claim (title) to an inheritance held by a third party. Pétition d'héredité
- Expenses of the last sickness. Frais de dernière maladie
- Funeral expenses. Frais funéraires
- Nursing expenses, Privilege of. Privilege des nourrices
- Business enterprise. Entreprise commerciale ou industrielle. Fonds de commerce
- Dwelling, Inexpensive. Habitations à bon marché
- Heirlooms. Souvenirs de famille
- Writ of possession. Envoi en possession
- Representation, Succession by right of. Répresentation successorale
- Breach of trust. Abus de confiance
- Fraud in balance sheets. Fraude dans les bilans
- Illegal speculation. Spéculation illicite
- Lyon
- Paris
- Luggage
- Paris
- Group insurance. Assurance-group
- Mutual insurance. Friendly societies. Assurances mutuelles. Sociétés de secours mutuels
- Chambre des pairs
- French political émigrés, 1792-1830
- Gypsies. Romanies. Nomades
- Huguenots
- Jews. Juifs
- Minorities
- Women
- Algeria
- Overseas. Outre-mer
- Aliens. Étrangères
- Gypsies. Romanies. Gitanes
- Jews. Juifs
- Women. Femmes
- Declaratory judgments. Jugements déclaratoires
- Appealable judgments. Jugements susceptibles d'appeal
- Intoxication. Ivresse
- U.E.R. Grenoble
- Public libraries. Bibliothèques publiques
- Centre national de la recherche scientifique
- Comedie française
- Photographers. Photographs
- Radioactive substances
- Public lectures. Lectures publiques
- Marks of origin. Appellations d'origine
- Blood banks
- Day care centers for infants and children
- Emergency medical services. Ambulance service. Service d'assistance médicale d'urgence
- Old age homes. Nursing homes
- Peacetime violation of common law by soldiers. Infractions de droit commun commises par les militaires
- Newspaper reporting
- Conscientious objectors. Objecteurs de conscience
- Retirement system. Régime des retraites
- Salaries. Pays. Allowances. Traitements. Soldes. Indemnités
- Nationality
- Canning industry. Industrie de la conserve
- Bullfights. Corridas
- Martial arts. Arts martiaux. Sports de combat
- Moutaineering. Sports de montagne
- Skiing. Winter sports resorts. Stations de sports d'hiver
- Soccer. Football
- Administrative police
- Criminal police. Police criminelle
- Private police. Police privée
- Pesticides. Herbicides
- Radon
- Cereals and grain. Céréales et blés
- Fruits and vegetables. Fruit et légumes
- Seeds
- Tobacco. Tabac
- Accident insurance. Casualty insurance
- Fire. Assurance incendie
- Hail storms. Assurance contre la grêle
- Livestock. Assurance du bétail
- Cattle
- Swine
- Milk production. Dairy farming
- Hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbures
- Solid universal fuels. Combustibles solides
- Agency
- Civil liability. Responsabilité civile
- Contracts. Obligations
- Divorce and separation
- Domestic relations. Family. Famille.
- Family property
- Filiation. Conflits de lois en matière de filiation
- Goods in transit. Marchandises en transit
- Incapables, Protection of. Protection des incapables
- Insurance. Assurances
- Intangible personal property. Meubles incorporels
- Intellectual and industrial property
- Life insurance. Assurances sur la vie
- Liquidation and partition (Ownership; Co-ownership)
- Marriage
- Matrimonial property relationships. Régimes matrimoniaux
- Name
- Nullity and ineffectiveness
- Parent and child. Rapports entre les parents et les enfants
- Property. Biens
- Security
- Ships, boats, and aircraft. Navires, bateaux de rivière, et aéronefs
- Status and capacity of persons. État et capacité des personnes
- Succession upon death
- Tangible personal property. Meubles corporels
- Tortious liability. Responsabilité civile extra-contractuelle
- Rights and duties of Frenchmen residing abroad
- Concurrence of nationality. Conflits de nationalité
- Juristic persons, Nationality of. Nationalité de personnes morales
- Married women, Nationality of. Nationalité de la femme mariée
- Alien property
- Name
- War damage. Dommage de guerre. Reconstruction
- Foreign corporations, companies, etc.
- Foreign states as taxpayers
- Multi-national corporations
- Shares of stocks. Bonds
- Search and seizure
- Private roads. Chemins privés
- Earthworks. Terrassements
- Industrial buildings
- Rural buildings
- Billboards. Placarding. Affichage
- Alien (Foreign) workers. Étrangers
- Women. Femmes
- Actors
- Artisans
- Artists
- Bank employees. Employés de banque
- Businessmen. Commercants et industriels
- Computer industry
- Domestics. Gens de maison
- Entertainers. Performing artists
- Executives. Cadres
- Government business enterprises. Entreprises publiques
- Home labor of women. Travail des femmes à domicile
- Home laborers. Industrie à domicile
- Inn-keeping personnel. Employés d'industrie hotelière
- Insurance company employees. Employés des assurances
- Longshoremen. Ouvriers aux docks
- Lumbermen. Employés d'exploitation forrestière
- Merchant's clerks. Employés de commerce
- Motor vehicle drivers
- Movie actors. Acteurs cinématographiques
- Nationalized enterprise employees. Employés des entreprises nationalisées
- Non-supervisory employees. Salariés non cadres
- Salaried employees
- Self-employed. Non salariés
- Students. Étudiants
- Domestics. Gens de maison
- Home labor. Industrie à domicile
- Attachment and garnishment of wages. Saisie-arrêt des rémunerations du travail
- Employee dwellings
- Privileges for wages, salaries and related debts. Privilèges des salaires et créances accessoires
- Agriculture. Food industries. Industries agricoles et alimentaires
- Construction industry
- Lawyers. Avocats
- Women
- Electric equipment
- Elevators. Hoisting machinery. Ascenseurs. Appareils de levage
- Gas manufacture equipment
- Woodworking machinery. Machines-outils pour le travail du bois
- Transport workers. Routiers
- Refugees
- War victims, Civilian. Victimes civiles de la guerre
- Agricultural laborers
- Authors
- Kinds of railroads or railways, A-Z
- Seine
- Merchant vessels. Navires de commerce
- Ocean-going vessels. Navires de haute mer
- Pleasure boats. Bateaux de plaisance
- Dangerous goods. Matières dangereuses
- Computers
- Human body. Corps humain
- Public interest law
- Consumer credit. Small loans. Kleinkredit
- Consanguinity
- Priority
- Appurtenances
- Emphyteusis
- Estates subject to heritable rents and rent charge
- Nuisances
- Reversion
- Animals
- Skiing accidents
- Computer contracts
- Transportation contracts
- Automobiles
- Building and loan associations
- Mortgage banks
- Automobiles
- Aviation
- Hunting
- War risks
- Commendation. Homage
- Children
- Gay people. Lesbians. Bisexuals. Transgender people. Intersex people
- Minorities (Ethnic, religious, racial)
- Older people
- Women
- Foreign service
- Cabinet system. Ministerial responsibility
- Executive departments. Ministries
- Special boards, commissions, bureaus, task forces, etc.
- Abdication
- Marriages of royalty and nobility
- Succession to the crown
- Treatymaking power
- Veto power
- War and emergency powers
- Impeachment
- Due process of law
- Preclusion. Estoppel
- Publicity and oral procedure
- Speedy trial
- Stare decisis
- Truthfulness and falsehood
- Uniformity of law application
- Trustees in bankruptcy. Receivers
- Evidence. Burden of proof
- Jurisdiction
- Limitation of action
- Remedies. Appellate procedure
- Inquisition
- Torture
- Torture
- Attorney and client
- Physicians
- Self-defense or defense of another
- Brigands and robbers
- Witchcraft
- Child sexual abuse. Lewd acts with children or charges
- Obscenity. Pornography
- Prostitution
- Bribery
- Fraudulent bankruptcy
- Larceny and embezzlement
- Crimes aboard aircraft
- Narcotics offenses
- Breach of public peace
- Demonstrations and failure to disperse
- Inciting acts against minorities
- Lese majesty
- Poisoning
- Desertion. Exposing persons to mortal danger
- Euthanasia
- Suicide
- Forfeiture
- Imprisonment
- Export and import cartels
- Perfume
- Precious metals
- Fertilizer industry
- Textile industry
- Fodder and grain
- Milk production
- Poultry. Eggs
- Sheep farming
- Timber industry
- Winemaking
- Radioactive substances
- Enemy property. Confiscations
- Industrial priorities and allocations
- Reconstruction
- Restitution
- Biotechnology
- Medicines
- Boycott
- Trade secrets. Industrial secrets
- Banks
- Actors
- Factory hands
- Farmhands. Agricultural laborers
- Nonperformance
- Alien (Foreign) workers
- Church employees
- Migrant workers
- Miners
- Professional athletes
- Mass media
- People with disabilities
- Religious discrimination
- Women
- Eugenics. Sterilization and castration
- Euthanasia. Right to die. Living wills
- Medical instruments and apparatus. Medical devices
- Records, Medical
- Anesthesiologists
- Conscientious objectors
- Sumptuary laws
- Vagrancy. Begging
- Gambling
- Commercial agents
- Commercial papers and negotiable instruments
- Commercial sales
- Contracts. Obligations. Debtor and creditor
- Corporations
- Family. Parent and child. Adoption
- Inheritance and succession
- Insurance
- Intellectual and industrial property
- Marriage. Divorce. Marital property
- Persons. Capacity. Incapacity
- Prescription
- Procedure. Arbitral awards. Execution and bankruptcy
- Refugees. Statelessness
- Security. Secured transactions
- Torts. Illegality. Justification
- Trademarks
- Unfair competition
- Vendor and purchaser
- Aliens
- Families
- Intellectual property
- Insurance
- Business tax
- Poll tax
- Property tax
- Real property tax
- Diseases, A-Z
- COVID-19
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Camping hygiene
- Refuse disposal
- Danube River
- Lake Constance
- Sava River
- Alien (Foreign) workers
- Mothers. Housewives
- Petroleum
- Outer space
- Joint meeting of the Members of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe and the Members of the European Parliamentary Assembly
- Defense contracts. Military procurement
- Microfinance
- Automobiles
- War risks
- Citizenship
- Commercial sales
- Contracts
- Insurance
- Intellectual and industrial property
- Marriage. Divorce. Marital property
- Obligations
- Procedure. Arbitral awards. Execution and bankruptcy
- Public policy. Public order. Ordre public
- Torts
- Unjust enrichment
- Due process of law
- Criminal societies. Organized crime
- Environmental crimes. Offenses against the environment.
- Human trafficking. Human smuggling
- Outer space
- Statistical services
- Renewable energy sources
- Wind power
- Fodder and grain
- Winemaking
- Biotechnology
- Medicines
- Plants
- Agricultural and farm laborers
- Alien (Foreign) workers. Travailleurs étrangers. Fremdarbeiter
- Banks
- Church employees
- Self-employed
- Medical instruments and apparatus. Medical devices
- Records, Medical
- Telecommunication in medicine. Telemedicine
- Nigeria
- Minorities
- Gay men. Lesbians
- Intersex people
- Transgender people
- Women
- Association of South East Asian Nations
- Contracting Parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. GATT
- Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
- Economic Commission for Europe
- European Free Trade Association
- International Labor Organization
- Latin American regional organizations
- Organization of American States
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization
- Gambling
- Auditors
- Engineering and construction professions
- Travel agents
- Cosmetics
- Drinking water standards
- Refuse disposal
- Automotive vehicles
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
- 1998-01-16: new
- 2000-10-02: revised
Alternate Formats