found: Work cat.: Extraterrestrial seismology, 2015:p. xvi (comprises 26 chapters written by leading stellar, solar, planetary, and terrestrial seismologists)
found: Merriam-Webster dictionary online, July 11, 2016(seismology: a science that deals with earthquakes and with artificially produced vibrations of the earth; --seismologist, noun)
found: LCSH, July 11, 2016(Seismologists. BT Geophysicists)
found: Dictionary of occupational titles, via WWW, July 11, 2016(Seismologist. Studies and interprets seismic data to locate earthquakes and earthquake faults: Reviews, analyzes, and interprets data from seismographs and geophysical instruments. Establishes existence and activity of faults, and direction, motion, and stress of earth movements before, during, and after earthquakes. Conducts research on seismic forces affecting deformative movements of earth. May issue maps or reports indicating areas of seismic risk to existing or proposed construction or development. ONET crosswalk: Geophysicists)