The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT)

Credit titles

  • URI(s)

  • Form

    • Credit titles
  • Variants

    • Closing credits
    • Credits, Closing
    • Credits, Film
    • Credits, Opening
    • Credits, Television
    • Film credits
    • Opening credits
    • Television credits
  • Use For

  • Broader Terms

  • Sources

    • found: The Focal encyclopedia of film & television techniques, 1981:p. 211 (Credit title: title which lists those creatively responsible for the film or TV programme to which it is attached. Credit titles may be placed at the start or finish, and when at the start are now often preceded by an introductory sequence)
    • found: Oakey, V. Dictionary of film and television terms, c1983:p. 46 (Credits; credit titles: the names of persons responsible for the artistic development of the film, such as actors, writers, directors, cinematographers, set and dress designers, sound engineers, etc. which appear on the screen)
    • found: Bawden, L., ed. The Oxford companion to film, 1976:p. 163 (Credits, properly credit titles: the titles at the beginning or end of a film, listing the actors and technicians who have worked on it, often fulfilling by their design, layout, and backgrounds the subsidiary function of establishing style or atmosphere)
    • found: Wikipedia website, July 21, 2008(Motion picture credits: opening credits, in a television program, motion picture or videogame, are shown at the beginning of a show and list the most important members of the production...usually mention the major actors, guest stars, producers and director, as opposed to closing credits...which lists the entire production crew [and] come at the end of a show)
    • found: Archival moving image materials : a cataloging manual, 2000:Glossary, p. 7 (Credits: The names and functions of persons and corporate bodies responsible for the artistic or intellectual content of a moving image work)
    • found: OED online, May 28, 2010:credit (def. 13d: Theater, Cinematography, Broadcasting, etc. The acknowledgement by name, with details of the service rendered, of each individual contributor (actor, producer, etc.) to a production or the like, usually published in a programme or on the screen; freq. in pl. Hence credit line, list, etc.; credit title)
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 2011-05-05: new
    • 2016-02-04: revised
  • Alternate Formats