The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT)

Participatory drama

  • Plays structured to include active involvement by audience members.
  • URI(s)

  • Form

    • Participatory drama
  • Variants

    • Participation drama
  • Broader Terms

  • Sources

    • found: NTC's dict. of theatre & drama terms, 1992(Participatory theatre: a type of play in which the audience is involved in the performance)
    • found: website, Jan. 25, 2010(Participation theater; theatre for young audiences or for adults; consists of adapted or devised drama with an established story line constructed to involve limited and structured opportunities for active involvement by all or part of the audience; participation may range from simple verbal responses to an active role in the outcome of the drama; participation theater give audiences the opportunity to retell history, by playing the roles of men and women who helped write it)
    • found: Mayoux, L. Participatory drama for gender transformation, 2012, via WWW, viewed Dec. 16, 2012(In traditional theatre, performance is limited to a designated stage area and the action of the play unfolds without any interplay with audience members, who function as passive observers. But recent developments in participatory theatre have experimented with approaches where anyone can be an 'actor' and drama does not have to take place in a theatre)
    • found: Journal of management education, Dec. 2007:p. 832 (Interactive drama increases student engagement and explores complex issues in management. It features scenes from organizational life being performed live by trained actors before a student audience, stopping at pivotal points so the audience can interact with the actors.)
    • found: OCLC, Dec. 16, 2012(an audience participation play; an audience-participation comedy mystery; an interactive play in three acts; the new genre of interactive theatre; a comic Agatha Christie style interactive mystery; Interactive acting : acting, improvisation, and interacting for audience participatory theatre; a murder mystery/comedy with audience interaction)
    • found: Google search, Dec. 16, 2012(participatory drama; participatory plays; audience participatory plays; audience-participatory plays; children's participatory plays; audience participation plays; audience-participation plays; participation drama; audience interactive drama; audience-interactive drama; a participatory Hanukkah-themed drama; interactive drama)
    • found: Google search, Aug. 6, 2015:(participatory drama: 7,000 hits; audience interaction drama: 7 hits; audience participation drama: 502 hits; audience participatory drama: 65 hits; participation drama: 2,540 hits; interactive drama NOT WITH video, online, film, computer, virtual reality: 20,900 hits, first several pages of hits are all for drama as an interactive teaching tool in schools, etc.)
  • General Notes

    • Plays structured to include active involvement by audience members.
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 2014-12-01: new
    • 2015-12-21: revised
  • Alternate Formats