The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT)


  • Linked free verse in which the authors contribute entire poems instead of stanzas of a larger poem.
  • URI(s)

  • Form

    • Renshi
  • Broader Terms

  • Sources

    • found: No choice but to follow, c2010:p. 141 (the modern version [of renga and renku], renshi, refers to linked free verse)
    • found: What the kite thinks, c1994:p. 1 (renshi, a linked poem by several poets, is a new free verse form of collaborative poetry adapted from the renga and renku forms favored by many classical poets in Japan since the thirteenth century)
    • found: Higginson, W.J. What is "linked poetry?", via WWW, July 21, 2014(Renshi was invented by a prominent Japanese poet, Makoto Ôoka, in the 1970s and '80s. In 1981, he and the American poet Thomas Fitzsimmons (now living in Santa Fe) collaborated on the first international renshi. The method of renshi differs from the older linked poetry mainly in that the poets write whole short poems in modern free verse as part of a poem sequence, rather than shorter stanzas of a single long poem. Most of the rules of the older linked poetry have been abandoned in renshi, and linking is accomplished simply by taking a word or phrase from the last line of the previous poem as the title for the next.)
    • found: Renshi : writing without a centre, via Poetry International Rotterdam website, July 21, 2014(One of the most exciting, dynamic forms of contemporary collaborative poetic production today is renshi or "linked poetry"--the modern offshoot of a far older verse form known as renga (linked songs), which was popular in medieval and early modern Japan; renshi differs from renga in that it is written in shi, which are relatively flexible in terms of content and poetic rules. Participants in a renshi session typically agree beforehand on the total number of verses and the number of lines each person will contribute per round. Each contribution should play off, but not adhere too closely to, the one that came before it)
    • found: Wikipedia, Nov. 15, 2012(Renshi (linked poetry) is a form of collaborative poetry pioneered in the 1980s. It is a development of traditional Japanese renga and renku, but unlike these it does not adhere to traditional strictures on length, rhythm, and diction. Renshi are typically composed by a group of Japanese and foreign poets collaborating in the writing process in sessions lasting several days.)
    • found: LCSH, Oct. 21, 2014(Renshi (Poetry))
  • General Notes

    • Linked free verse in which the authors contribute entire poems instead of stanzas of a larger poem.
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 2014-12-01: new
    • 2015-12-21: revised
  • Alternate Formats