found: Work cat.: 99885269: Nepomuceno, R. Música caipira, 1999.
found: Garland encyc. of world music:v. 2, p. 319 (música sertaneja: most popular genre among migrant populations of greater São Paulo; industry catering to this audience is booming; traditional southeastern genres of dupla, particularly moda-de-viola, became música sertaneja when they started to be recorded commercially in late 1920s; term became current only in late 1950s, replacing the more pejorative term música caipira; "caipira" might best be glossed "hillbilly," though it officially refers to inhabitants of the interior of the state of São Paulo)
found: New Grove, 2nd ed. WWW site, Jan. 24, 2002(under World popular music: Brazilian música sertaneja, cited as example of distinctive and original contribution of migrant underclasses to urban musical culture; under Brazil, Traditional music, Luso-Brazilian folk music traditions: caipira (from the interior of São Paulo state) singing; under Samba: caipira (i.e. rural São Paulo) folk samba)
found: White, D. Dict. of popular music styles of the world(música caipira: folk music of the outback region of Brazil; sertanejo: rural or country music)