found: Work cat.: 96-143865: Virolle-Souibès, M. La chanson raï, c1995:passim (le Raï)
found: LC database, Feb. 25, 1997(rai; raï)
found: Grove music online, viewed November 25, 2104(A genre of North African popular music, most closely associated with the city of Waharan (Oran) in western Algeria and nearby towns on both sides of the border with Morocco; earliest music of this name was performed by female singers in the bars of Oran during the 1920s and 30s. They were accompanied by the gaspah (an end-blown flute) and the guellal (a pottery, single-headed cylindrical drum)... With the arrival of cassette technology and a period of relative political calm in the late 1970s, raï recordings began to be produced for local consumption. There was considerable experimentation in the recording studios and gradually the genre incorporated novel regional and global musical element...)
notfound: New Grove;New Harvard dict. of music;Web. 3