found: Eterne in mutabilitie, 1972.
found: Critical essays on Homer, c1987:t.p. (Kenneth Atchity)
found: A writer's time, 1995:CIP t.p. (Kenneth Atchity) galley (former prof. of literature at Occidental Coll.; pres. of Atchity Entertainment International in Los Angeles)
found: Cajun household wisdom, 1994:CIP t.p. (Kenneth Aguillard Atchity) CIP galley (President of Atchity Entertainment International in Los Angeles; an independent producer and the author of ten books)
found: Renaissance reader, 1996:CIP t.p. (Kenneth J. Atchity) CIP data sheet (b. 01-16-44)
found: How to publish your novel, c2005:ECIP t.p. (Ken Atchity)
found: Info. converted from 678, 2012-10-02(b. 1944)
found: w to quit your day job and live out your dreams, c2012:eCIP t.p. (Kenneth Atchity)