found: His American Negro slavery, 1968.
found: The Status of human rights under the Helsinki Accords, 1990:t.p. (Allen Weinstein)
found: LC files:(b. 1939)
found: Phone call to pub., 8-15-91(Allen Weinstein is same as author of American Negro slavery; his correct date of birth is 1937, not 1939)
found: Perjury, c1997:t.p. (Allen Weinstein) p. 623 (historian; has held professorships at Georgetown Univ., Boston Univ., and Smith Coll.; founder, pres., and CEO of Center for Democracy; dir. of U.S. Inst. of Peace since 1985; lives in Washington, D.C.)
found: Perjury, 2013:ECIP t.p. (Allen Weinstein) ECIP data view (birth date: 9/1/1937; served as The Archivist of the United States from 2005-2009)
found: Washington post WWW site, June 19, 2015(Allen Weinstein; historian; born in New York City on Sept. 1, 1937; died June 18 [2015] in Gaithersburg, Md., at 77; served from 2005 until 2008 as chief of the National Archives and Records Administration; held leadership roles at nonprofit institutions, most notably the Center for Democracy in Washington, which he founded in the mid-1980s and led as president until 2003)