found: Author's Philosophical analysis, 1956.
found: The Concise encyclopedia of western philosophy and philosophers, 1991, c1989:t.p. (J.O. Urmson) Brit. CIP (Urmson, J. O. (James Opie)) cover p. 4 (emeritus fellow of Corpus Christi Coll., Oxford)
found: Arisutoteresu Rinrigaku nyūmon, 2004:t.p. (J.O. Āmuson [initials in rom.; surname in kana])
found: Telegraph WWW site, Apr. 10, 2012(Professor James Urmson; b. James Opie Urmson, Mar. 4, 1915, Yorkshire; d. Jan. 29, 2012; moral philosopher who subjected the religious concept of "going beyond the call of duty" to the cold light of secular examination)
found: Information from 678 field, converted June 10, 2015(M.A.)