Longair, Malcolm S., 1941-
Fuller Name
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Earlier Established Forms
Longair, M. S., 1941-
Longair, Malcolm
found: The Large scale ... 1978 (a.e.)t.p. (M. S. Longair, Mullard Radio Astron. Obs., Cambridge, Eng.) CIP data sheet (Malcolm S. Longair, b. 5/18/41)
found: His High energy astrophysics, 1981:t.p. (M. S. Longair) CIP info. (Ph. D.; Malcolm Sim Longair)
found: Theoretical concepts in physics, 2003:CIP t.p. (Malcolm S. Longair) pub. info. (Malcolm Sim Longair; b. May 18, 1941)
found: Forecasting in urban and regional planning, 1975:t.p. (Malcolm Longair)
found: Maxwell's enduring legacy, 2016:title page (Malcolm Longair) back cover (Jacksonian Professor Emeritus of Natural Philosophy and Director of Development, The Cavendish Laboratory; in 1998 appointed ninth Astronomer Royal of Scotland, Regius Professor of Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, and Director of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh; 1997-1995 head of the Cavendish Laboratory)
found: OCLC database, Nov. 1, 2016(access points: Longair, M.; Longair, M. S.; Longair, M. S. (1941- ); Longair, M. S. (Malcolm S.); Longair, M. S. (Malcolm S.), 1941- ; Longair, Malcolm Sim, 1941-; usage: M.S. Longair; Malcolm Longair; Malcolm S. Longair; Malcolm Sim Longair)
found: Email from Longair, November 2, 2016(co-author of the work on forecasting in urban and regional planning; some publications co-authored with his wife, Deborah Howard; prefers Malcolm S. Longair)
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Change Notes
1978-04-14: new
2023-09-07: revised
Alternate Formats