The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Name Authority File (LCNAF)

Freire, Paulo, 1921-1997

  • URI(s)

  • Fuller Name

    • Paulo Reglus Neves
  • Variants

    • Neves Freire, Paulo Reglus, 1921-1997
    • Freire, P. (Paulo), 1921-1997
    • Phrāẏare, Pāulo, 1921-1997
  • Identifies LC/NAF RWO

  • Identifies RWO

    • Birth Date

    • Death Date

    • Has Affiliation

    • Has Affiliation

        • Affiliation Start: 1943
        • Organization: (naf) Universidade do Recife, Faculdade de Direito
    • Has Affiliation

    • Has Affiliation

        • Affiliation Start: 1961
        • Affiliation End: 1964
        • Organization: Universidade do Recife, Departamento de Extensões Culturais
    • Has Affiliation

        • Affiliation Start: 1969
        • Affiliation End: 1970
        • Organization: Harvard University, Center for the Study of Development and Social Change
    • Has Affiliation

        • Affiliation Start: 1970
        • Affiliation End: 1979
        • Organization: (naf) World Council of Churches, Office of Education
    • Has Affiliation

        • Organization: Partido dos Trabalhadores (Brazil)
    • Has Affiliation

        • Organization: Fundação Wilson Pinheiro
    • Has Affiliation

        • Affiliation Start: 1989
        • Affiliation End: 1991
        • Organization: São Paulo (Brazil), Secretaria de Educação
    • Has Affiliation

    • Has Affiliation

    • Birth Place

        Recife (Brazil)
    • Associated Locale

        São Paulo (Brazil)
    • Associated Locale

        Geneva (Switzerland)
    • Associated Locale

        Cambridge (Mass.)
    • Associated Locale

        Santiago (Chile)
    • Associated Language

    • Associated Language

    • Field of Activity

      Functional literacy

      (lcsh) Pedagogy


    • Occupation


      College teachers


      • Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • Sources

        • found: His A propósito de uma administração, 1961.
        • found: His Educación y acción cultural, 1979:t.p., etc. (P. Freire; Paulo Freire; work is about education for adults and literacy education)
        • found: The Paulo Freire reader, 1998:CIP galley (Freire's untimely death in 1997)
        • found: Paulo Freire, 2000:p. 14 (b. Sept. 19, 1921 in Recife, Pernambuco) p. 19 (d. May 2, 1997)
        • found: Śikshyā samḷāpa, 2003:t.p. (Pāulo Phrāẏare)
        • found: University of Central Lancashire, Freire Institute website, August 31, 2022:(Paulo Freire; born 1921 in Recife, Brazil; in 1947 he began work with adult illiterates in north-east Brazil; professor of history and philosophy of education at the Universidade de Recife until 1964; was imprisoned following the 1964 coup d'etat for what the new regime considered to be subversive elements in his teaching; he next appeared in exile in Chile where his method was used and the UN School of Political Sciences held seminars on his work; visiting professor at the Center for the Study of Development and Social Change of Harvard University (1969-1970); he then went to work as a special consultant in the Office of Education of the World Council of Churches in Geneva (1970-1979) where he advised on education reform and initiated popular education activities with a range of groups; returned to Brazil by 1979; joined the Workers Party in Sao Paulo and headed up its adult literacy project for six years; when the party took control of Sao Paulo municipality following elections in 1988, he was appointed as Sao Paulo's Secretary of Education; [email protected]) - -
        • found: Encyclopeia website, August 31, 2022:sources are the Encyclopedia of Latin American history and culture and Encyclopedia of world biography (Paulo Reglus Neves Freire; born September 19, 1921 in Recife; died May 2, 1997 in São Paulo; Brazilian educator whose revolutionary pedagogical theory influenced educational and social movements throughout the world and whose philosophical writings influenced academic disciplines that include theology, sociology, anthropology, applied linguistics, pedagogy, and cultural studies) -
        • found: Universidade Federal do Agreste de Pernambuco, Instituto Paulo Freire website, August 31, 2022:(Paulo Reglus Neves Freire; born September 19, 1921 in Recife; began studying law at the Faculdade de Direito of the Universidade do Recife in 1943; became the director of the Departamento de Educação e Cultura do Serviço Social of the state of Pernambuco (1946); became the director of the Departamento de Extensões Culturais of the Universidade do Recife (1961); was a prisoner for 70 days by the new government in 1964; lived in exile in Chile in 1970 and was affiliated with the Instituto de Capacitación e Investigación en Reforma Agraria in Santiago, Chile; visiting professor in Harvard (1969-1970); returned to Brazil in 1979; member of the Partido dos Trabalhadores and was president of its Fundação Wilson Pinheiro; was the Secretário de Educação of the city of São Paulo (1989-1991); the Instituto Paulo Freire was created in São Paulo (1991); died May 2, 1997 of a heart attack in the Hospital Albert Einstein in São Paulo; [email protected]; author of several works including A propósito de uma administração (1961)) - -
      • Instance Of

      • Scheme Membership(s)

      • Collection Membership(s)

      • Change Notes

        • 1979-04-19: new
        • 2023-03-22: revised
      • Alternate Formats