found: His Temple of the winds, 1965.
found: His Maxwell's train, 1985, c1984:t.p. (Christopher Hyde) jkt. (b. 1949 in Ottawa)
found: His The second assassin, 2002:t.p., etc. (Christopher Hyde) p. 3 of cover (author of numerous novels and films; has published in more than 30 countries and 17 languages; m. with two grown children; r. in the Great Lakes region and abroad)
found: Cont. authors online, March 6, 2002(Christopher Hyde; also known as Nicholas Chase; b. 1949 in Ottawa, Canada; brother of the novelist Anthony Hyde; m., two children; career includes researcher, story-editor and television interviewer for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; writes horror, ghost, Gothic, and other fiction; titles include The wave (1979), The Icarus seal (1982), Styx (1982), The tenth crusade (1983), Maxwell's train (1985), Jericho falls (1986), Locksley (1983; as Nicholas Chase and with Anthony Hyde), etc.)
found: BooksnBytes website, March 6, 2003(Christopher Hyde; his mystery and historical fiction includes Wisdom of the bones (2003), The second assassin (2002), A gathering of saints (1996), Black dragon (1992), Hard target (1991), Jericho falls (1986), Maxwell's train (1985))
found: His Wisdom of the bones, 2003:p. [3] of cover (r. in New York City and abroad)
found: Templar cross, 2010:ECIP t.p. (Christopher Paul)
found: Email from pub., Mar. 3, 2010 (b. May 26, 1949; Paul Christopher is a pseudonym of Christopher Hyde)