found: Trezise, J. Watergate, a crisis for the world, 1979 (a.e.)CIP galley t.p. (James Glen Stovall)
found: His On-line editing, c1984:CIP t.p. (James G. Stovall) data sheet (b. 9/8/48)
found: Phone call to publisher, 10/3/83(James G. Stovall, b. 9/8/48, is the same person as James Glen Stovall)
found: Infographics, c1997:t.p. (James Glen Stovall, Univ. of Alabama)
found: Writing for the mass media, 2009:t.p. (James Glen Stovall) page xiii (James Glen Stovall; Edward J. Meeman Distinguished Professor of Journalism, University of Tennessee; was visiting professor of mass communication at Emory and Henry College (Emory, VIrginia); taught journalism at the University of Alabama (1978-2003); Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee; former reporter and editor for several newspapers)
found: University of Tennessee-Knoxville profile page, 21 February 2017(James Glen Stovall, School of Journalism, Professor Emeritus; Dr. James Glen Stovall; native of Nashville, Tenn.; received bachelor of science degree in journalism, University of Tennessee (1970); master's degree in political science, American University (1973); doctorate degree in mass communication, University of Tennessee (1978))