found: His Now and at the hour, 1960.
found: Campbell, P.J. Robert Cormier, 1985:CIP galley (Robert Edmund Cormier, b. 1/17/25)
found: Washington Post, 12 Nov. 2000:obit. (Robert Cormier, 75, died Nov. 2, 2000 in Boston, Mass.; author of The chocolate war; I am the cheese (in which a character's phone number is actually his own); career as a journalist/newspaper editor; resided Leominster, Mass.)
found: The chocolate war, 2013:home page (Robert Cormier)
found: Wikipedia WWW site, Mar. 27, 2013(Robert Cormier; Robert Edmund Cormier; b. Jan. 17, 1925 in Leominster, Mass.; d. Nov. 2, 2000 in Boston, Mass.; male; American author)