found: St. Clair, L.L. Stoney knows how, c1981 (a.e.)t.p. (Alan B. Govenar) CIP info. (b. 8/5/52; M.A., Univ. of Tex.)
found: Meeting the blues, c1988:CIP t.p. (Alan Govenar)
found: Phone call to Alan B. Govenar 4/20/88(Alan Bruce Govenar, documentary ethnologist, produces films, audio recordings, and writes books; resides in Dallas, Tex.; sometimes identified as Alan Govenar or Alan B. Govenar)
found: Stoney knows how, 1981:t.p. (Alan B. Govenar)
found: Documentary Arts, Inc., September 26, 2016(Alan Govenar; writer, folklorist, photographer, and filmmaker; president of Documentary Arts; B.A. with distinction in American Folklore from Ohio State University; M.A. in Folklore and Anthropology from the University of Texas at Austin; Ph.D. in Arts and Humanities from the University of Texas at Dallas) -