found: IPAL technical report, 1979 (a.e.)cover (Unesco Programme on Man and the Biosphere (MAB))
found: Regional meeting on the est. of co-op. progr. of interdiscipl. ecol. res., train., and rangeland management for arid and semi-arid zones of North. Africa, 1975 (a.e.)t.p. (Programme on Man and the Biosphere (MAB) of Unesco)
found: Mezhdunarodnai︠a︡ programma I︠U︡NESKO "Chelovek i biosfera" (MAB) v SSSR, 1983- :v. 2, t.p.
found: Colloque international "Stratégies de conservation de l'eau" (1981 : Québec, Québec). Stratégies de conservation de l'eau, 1983:t.p. (Unesco, Programme L'Homme et la biosphère)
found: Seminar on Environmental Management and Integrated Rural Development in Eastern and Southern Africa (1983 : Nairobi, Kenya). Report of the proceedings ... 1983:t.p. (Unesco Man & Biosphere (MAB) Programme)
found: Der Einfluss des Menschen auf Hochgebirgsökosysteme ... 1982:t.p. (Unesco--Man and the Biosphere Program)
found: Info MAB, Oct. 1986:cover (Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme) cover p. 4 (Programme MAB)
found: The Economic problems of environmental protection, 1988:t.p. (Programme UNESCO--MAB)
found: Woodlands and water resources ... 1986:t.p. (UNESCO-MAB)
found: Collado Mediano, 1985?:t.p. (Programa "Hombre y Biosfera" (MaB) de la UNESCO)
found: Gorizonty ėkologicheskogo znanii︠a︡. Ecological knowledge in perspective, 1989:t.p. (Unesco Programme "Man and Biosphere") added t.p. (Programme I︠U︡nesko "Chelovek i biosfera")
found: Problemy kachestva gorodskoĭ sredy, 1989:t.p. (Sovetskiĭ komitet po programme I︠U︡NESKO "Chelovek i biosfera") added t.p. (USSR Committee for the UNESCO Program "Man and Biosphere") p. preceding t.p. (MAB--Programma I︠U︡NESKO Chelovek i biosfera)
found: Vilsandi püsivaatlusalade 1986. a. kordusuuringute tulemused, 1991:t.p. (UNESCO rahvusvahelise programmi "Inimene ja biosfäär" ...)
found: Anuchat Poungsomlee. Impacts of modernisation and urbanisation in Bangkok, 1992:t.p. (Unesco's Man and the Biosphere Project; MAB)
found: The physical oceanography of western Baffin Bay ... 1981:t.p. (Unesco Program on Man and the Biosphere (MAB))
found: Final report on the Technical Meeting on the Qualification ... 1995:t.p. (MAB/Unesco Program)
found: Geographie und Naturschutz, 1998:cover (Unesco-Programm Der Mensch und die Biosphäre)
found: Handbook of mangroves in the Philippines, Panay, c2004:t.p. (Unesco Man and the Biosphere)