found: Krestan, L. Wortindex zu den Schriften des Hl. Ambrosius, 1979:title page (Otto Faller)
found: OCLC 8072604(Faller, Otto, 1889- )
found: Ambrose, Saint. Opere dogmatiche. III, 1982:added Latin title page (recensuit Otto Faller)
found: Leo-bw, das landeskundliche Informationssystem für Baden-Württemberg, viewed online on October 26, 2016(Faller, Otto; Jesuit; Dr. phil.; scholar of patristics; born February 18, 1889, in Saig (Lenzkirch), Germany; died May 16, 1971, in St. Blasien; ordained to the Catholic priesthood on October 28, 1918; taught in Feldkirch, Austria; in St. Blasien; and in Rome) -