found: Andrews, D.F. Data, c1985:CIP t.p. (A.M. Herzberg) t.p. verso (Imperial Coll., Dept. of Math., London, Eng.)
found: LAC internal file, January 2, 2019(heading: Herzberg, A. M.; variant: Herzberg, Agnes M.; Canadian)
found: Herzberg, Gerhard. The value of science in society and culture, 2019:CIP title page (A.M. Herzberg) LAC CIP application (A.M. Herzberg; Agnes M. Herzberg; born December 12, 1938; Canadian)
found: Wikipedia, viewed on January 2, 2019(Agnes M. Herzberg; full name Agnes Margaret Herzberg; Canadian statistician; professor of mathematics and statistics at Queen's University; took an Overseas Fellowship in 1966, taking her to England, and remained at Imperial College London until 1988, when she returned to Queen's as a professor)