found: His The secret of the immortal liquor called Alkahest, 1683:t.p. (Eirenaeus Philalethes)
found: His A breviary of alchemy, 1678:t.p. (Aeyrenaeus Philalethes Anglus, cosmopolita)
found: NUC pre-1956(Philalethes, Eirenaeus, pseud.)
found: BM(Philalethes, Eirenaeus Philoponos)
found: DNB(under Starkey, G.: Eirenaeus Philalethes)
found: InU/Wing STC files(usage: Eyraeneus Philaletha cosmopolita...; a most famous English-man styling himself anonymous)
found: Newman, W.R. Gehennical fire : the lives of George Starkey ... c1994:CIP galley (works written by Starkey under the pseudonymous epithet of Eirenaeus Philalethes)
found: Secrets reveal'd; or, An open entrance to the shut-palace of the king
found: BM(has Philalethes, Eirenaeus entry but lists Introitus apertus under Philaletha, Anonymus)
found: Ferguson (vol. 1,p. 144: Philaletha's Introitus apertus; vol. 2, p. 503: Biographie medicale confuses Vaughan with Philaletha)
found: Wing(lists the English text under George Starkey)
found: DNB (vol. 54,p. 108: Starkey has been erroneously confused with Eirenaeus Philoponus Philalethes; vol. 58, p. 182: Vaughan must be carefully distinguished from the mystical writer who assumed the pseud. of Eirenaeus Philalethes)
found: Wilkinson, The problem of the identity of Eirenaeus Philalethes, Ambix 12:24-43, 1964(says is probably the man; Starkey the student; Vaughan identified as Eugenius Philalethes)
found: R. S. Wilkinson ... On the identity of "Eirenaeus Philalethes." Ambix XIX, Nov. 1972, no. 3,p. 204-((W1 AM105) Wilkinson is revoking his former suggestion, that Eirenaeus Philalethes was John Winthrop's pseudonym)
found: Ferguson(Philaletha, Eirenaeus)
found: Kern der Alchymie, 1685:title page (geschreiben durch Irenaeum Philoponum Philaletham)
found: Oxford dictionary of national biography website, 14 Sept. 2023(Starkey, George; born George Stirk on 8 or 9 June 1628 in Bermuda, died late summer of 1665; alchemist, medical practitioner, and writer; physician in the Boston area; emigrated to England in 1650; wrote under the pseudonym Eirenaeus Philalethes) -
notfound: Halkett & Laing;Stonehill, A. Anonyma and pseudonyma.