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Sabatier de Castres, Antoine, 1742-1817

  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Sabatier de Castres, abbé (Antoine), 1742-1817
    • Castres, Antoine Sabatier de, 1742-1817
    • De Castres, Antoine Sabatier, 1742-1817
    • Sabatier, Antoine, de Castres, 1742-1817
    • Sabatier de Castres, A., 1742-1817
    • Sabatier de Castres, M., 1742-1817
    • S***, M. l'abbé, de Castres, 1742-1817
  • Identifies LC/NAF RWO

  • Identifies RWO

      • Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

      • Earlier Established Forms

        • Sabatier de Castres, abbé (Antoine), 1742-1817
        • Sabatier, Antoine, de Castres, 1742-1817
      • Sources

        • found: Milella, M.A. Il gusto del Sabatier de Castres, 1983:t.p. (Sabatier de Castres) p. 7 (abbé Antoine Sabatier de Castres) bibliographical footnotes, passim (Sabatier (Antoine) de Castres)
        • found: LC manual auth. cd.(hdg.: Sabatier, Antoine, de Castres, 1742-1817; usage: Sabatier de Castres)
        • found: Grande encyc.(Sabatier, Antoine, dit Sabatier de Castres, b. 4-13-1742, Castres; d. 6-15-1817, Paris)
        • found: Grand Larousse(Sabatier, Antoine, dit Sabatier de Castres; Castres 1742-Paris 1817)
        • found: Bib. nat.(Sabatier (abbé Antoine), dit Sabatier de Castres; usage in all works: abbé Sabatier de Castres)
        • found: Sabatier de Castres, Antoine. Tableau philosophique de l'esprit de M. de Voltaire, 1771(name not given)
        • found: Barbier, A.A. Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes (3. éd.):t. 4, column 650 (Tableau philosophique de l'esprit de M. de Voltaire ... par l'abbé Ant. Sabatier de Castres)
        • found: Sabatier de Castres, Antoine. Dictionnaire de littérature, 1770, via HathiTrust, Apr. 17, 2015:title page (par M. l'abbé Sabatier de Castres)
        • found: Sabatier de Castres, Antoine. Les trois siècles de la littérature françoise, 1774, via Gallica, Apr. 17, 2015:title page (par M. l'abbé S***, de Castres)
        • found: Sabatier de Castres. Apologie de Spinosa et du spinosisme, 1805, via HathiTrust, Apr. 17, 2015:title page (par M. Sabatier de Castres)
        • found: Boccaccio, Giovanni. Le décaméron, 1848, via HathiTrust, Apr. 17, 2015:title page (traduit de l'italien par Sabatier de Castres)
        • found: Boccaccio, Giovanni. Contes de Boccace, 1878, via HathiTrust, Apr. 17, 2015:title page (traduits par A. Sabatier de Castres)
        • found: Biographie universelle ancienne et moderne, nouvelle édition, t. 37e, 1860, via Google Books, Apr. 17, 2015(SABATIER (Antoine), born Castres, 1742, and also known as abbé, though never more than a tonsured cleric; protégé of Helvétius; emigrated in July, 1789; returned to France in 1814; died June 15, 1817; lists works)
        • found: Nouvelle biographie générale, t. 42e, 1866, via Internet Archive, Apr. 17, 2015(SABATIER (Antoine), called Sabatier de Castres, French man of letters, born Apr. 13, 1782, Castres, died June 15, 1817, Paris; placed in the seminary of Castres, which he left at the age of 18 or 19, having received the tonsure; according to a custom of the time, this allowed him to style himself "abbé"; turned to literature, first in Toulouse, then Paris; author of a comedy, poems, novels and a history of literature; attacked Voltaire in Tableau philosophique de l'esprit de Voltaire; in voluntary exile for 25 years after the fall of the Bastille, living in several German cities including Hamburg, Vienna and Altona; returned to France in 1815; lists works)
        • found: Cioranescu, A. Bibliographie de la littérature française du dix-huitième siècle:t. 3, page 1606 (SABATIER DE CASTRES (Antoine Sabatier, called), 1742-Paris, June 15, 1817)
        • found: WBIS, Apr. 17, 2015(Name: Sabatier, Antoine; other name: called Sabatier de Castres; male; 1742-1817; author)
        • found: Guenot, Hervé. Article in online Dictionnaire des journalistes (1600-1789), Apr. 17, 2015(Antoine SABATIER de CASTRES (1742-1817); baptized in Castres, Apr. 14, 1742, said to have been born Apr. 13; died June 15, 1817, Paris; published articles in several periodicals and was co-editor of 23 issues of Journal politique national,1789; during exile from France, lived in Vienna, 1791-1795; imprisoned as a French agent around 1796; lived in Erfurt, 1798-1802, in Altona, 1803-1811, and several other German cities) -
        • found: Damian-Grint, Peter. Biographical note, 2009, in Electronic Enlightenment Biographical Dictionary, viewed Apr. 17, 2015(Antoine Sabatier de Castres, abbé de Castres (born 1742, died 1817), French; journalist, literary critic, author; "His best known work is Les trois siècles de notre littérature (1772). Editor of the Journal politique. He emigrated early in the Revolution, returning only at the Restauration") -
        • found: Bibliothèque nationale de France. BnF autorités, Apr. 17, 2015(Sabatier de Castres, Antoine (1742-1817); born 1742-04-13, Castres (Tarn), died 1817-06-15, Paris; author, also translator from Italian to French, literary critic and journalist; tonsured cleric, known as abbé Sabatier de Castres; lived im emigration, 1789-1814)
        • found: VIAF, Apr. 17, 2015:VIAF ID: 39417197 (Sabatier de Castres, Antoine, 1742-1817: National Library of Poland, National Library of the Czech Republic, German National Library, Sudoc, National Library of Sweden, NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library, National Library of France, National Library of Spain, National Library of Latvia; Sabatier de Castres, abbé (Antoine), 1742-1817: National Library of Israel, National Library of Catalonia, Library of Congress/NACO; Sabatier de Castres 1742-1817, abbé: ISNI; Sabatier, Antoine, Abbé: RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland; Sabatier, Antoine (Antoine), 1742-1817: National Library of the Netherlands; Sabatier de Castres, Antoine: Swiss National Library; Sabatier, Antoine, de Castres: National Diet Library, Japan; Sabatier de Castres (Antoine), abbé, 1742-1817: National Library of Australia; Sabatier, Antoine, de Castres, 1742-1817: Vatican Library; Antoine Sabatier de Castres: Wikidata; Castres, Sabatier de: National Library of Portugal) VIAF ID: 299434504 (Sabatier de Castres, Antoine: National Library of Israel) VIAF ID: 282503705 (Castres, Sabatier de: National Library of the Netherlands)
        • found: OCLC, Apr. 17, 2015(usage: Madame ***; S...... de C......; M. l'abbé Sabatier de Castres; M. l'abbé S*** de Castres; m. l'abbé S***; M. l'Abbé Sabatier; Mr. l'abbé S*** de C**; A. Sabatier de Castres; M. Sabatier de Castres; Sabatier de Castres; abbé Sabatier; Antoine de Castres Sabatier; Antoine Sabatier (dit Sabatier de Castres); Sabatier; Sabathier )
      • Instance Of

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      • Change Notes

        • 1985-02-13: new
        • 2015-05-20: revised
      • Alternate Formats