found: Die Geistliche Dichtung des Mittelalters, 1888:title page (bearbeitet von Prof. Dr. Paul Piper)
found: Libri confraternitatum Sancti Galli Augiensis Fabariensis, 1983 [reprint of the 1884 edition]:title page (edidit Paulus Piper)
found: OCLC, June 1, 1999(hdg.: Piper, Paul Hermann Eduard, 1844-1924)
found: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek online catalog, viewed September 17, 2019(authorized access point: Piper, Paul; other data in authority record: Prof. D. ph.; born 1844 in Spremberg; died 1924 in Altona; Germanist and archivist; Stadtarchivar in Altona) -