found: Her Althea Waites performs the music of Florence Price [SR] p1987:label (Florence Price) container (b. 1888 in Little Rock, Ark.; d. 1953)
found: Her Just to be near you, 194-?:t.p. (music by Vee Jay) caption (Vee Jay (Florence B. Price))
found: Black women composers, c1992:t.p. (Florence B. Price) p. 5 (b. 1887, Little Rock, Ark. as Florence Beatrice Smith; d. 1953, Chicago)
found: New Grove dict. of Amer. mus.(Price (née Smith), Florence Bea(trice); b. Apr. 9, 1888, Little Rock, AR, d. June 3, 1953, Chicago, IL; composer and teacher)
found: Norton/Grove dict. of women composers(Price (née Smith), Florence Bea(trice); b. Apr. 9, 1887, Little Rock, AR, d. June 3, 1953, Chicago; American composer)
found: Int. dict. of Black composers, 1999(Price, Florence Beatrice; b. Florence Beatrice Smith, Apr. 9, 1887, Little Rock, Ark., d. June 3, 1953, Chicago, Ill.)
found: Electronic communication from Rae Linda Brown, Feb. 27, 2000(1887 is the correct birthdate)
found: Price, F. Orgelwerke, 2010, c1993:v. 1, cover (Florentine Beatrice Price)
found: African American national biography, accessed March 10, 2015, via Oxford African American Studies Center database:(Price, Florence B.; Florence Beatrice Smith; pianist, composer, arranger, teacher; born 09 April 1887 in Little Rock, Arkansas, United States; graduated with a degree in Piano Pedagogy and Organ Performance from the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston (1906); studied composition at the Chicago Musical College and University of Chicago (1927); taught at Cotton Plant-Arkadelphia Academy (1906-1907) and Shorter College in North Little Rock (1907-1910); was head of the music department at Clark University, Atlanta (1910-1912); was piano soloist with the Chicago Women's Symphony (1934); her compositions were included in Art Songs by Black American Composers (1977) and Art Songs by American Women Composers (1994); died 03 June 1953 in Chicago, Illinois, United States)