found: nuc87-122343: International Symposium on Applications of Laser-Doppler Anemometry to Fluid Mechanics (1982 : Lisbon, Portugal). International Symposium of Laser-Doppler ... 1982(hdg. on MCM rept.: Durão, D. F. G.; usage: D.F.G. Durão)
found: Instrumentation for combustion and flow in engines, 1988:CIP t.p. (D.F.G. Durão; Instituto Superior Técnico, Mechanical Engin, Dept., Lisbon)
found: Combusting flow diagnostics, 1992:CIP t.p. (D.F.G. Durão; Instituto Superior Técnico, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Lisbon, Portugal) data sheet (b. 6/7/44)