found: nuc87-21782: Clark, E. Edward Clark, 1980(hdg. on MH-FA rept.: Feldman, Anita; usage: Anita Feldman)
found: Moer zai zhongguo, c2000:p. 8 (Anita Feldman Bennet)
found: Moore at Kew, 2007:t.p. verso (Anita Feldman) p. 13 (curator, Henry Moore Foundation) p. 95 (Anita Feldman Bennet)
found: Email from author, Nov. 29, 2007(I was Anita Feldman Bennet, but have recently changed to Anita Feldman; b. Oct. 9, 1962)
found: Richard Deacon, 2017:contributors (Anita Feldman; deputy director of Curatorial Affairs and Education, San Diego Museum of Art, formerly head of Collections and Exhibitions, Henry Moore Foundation)