found: Pseudo-Hyginus. Des fortifications du camp, 1979:p. ix (Hyginus Gromaticus, to whom the work De munitionibus castrorum has previously been attributed)
found: LC data base, 3/31/87(hdg.: Hyginus Gromaticus)
found: Oxford classical dict., 1970(Hyginus, Gromaticus, of Trajan's time)
found: Kleine Pauly(Hyginus Gromaticus)
found: Les arpenteurs romains, 2005-<2014>:tome I, page 65 (nothing is known of the author of Constitutio limitum except his name Hyginus; given the epithet "Gromatique" (Gromaticus) to distinguish him from other persons with the same name; Constitution limitum appears to have been written between 75 and 77 AD)