found: His Images of the enemy, 1988:CIP t.p. (Brian McNair; Univ. of Ulster) data sh. (b. 12/10/59)
found: The sociology of journalism, 1998:CIP t.p. (Brian McNair, senior lecturer, film and media studies, Univ. of Stirling)
found: News and journalism in the UK, 1999:CIP t.p. (Brian McNair) pub. info. (Reader in the Dept. of Film and Media Studies at Stirling Univ.)
found: An introduction to political communication, 2003:CIP t.p. (Brian McNair) data sheet (b. Dec. 12, 1959)
found: Communication and political crisis, 2016:ECIP t.p. (Brian McNair) data view (professor of Journalism, Media & Communication at Queensland University of Technology)
found: The international encyclopedia of political communication, 2016:page xii (Brian McNair, Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
found: web site, June 10, 2019:(Brian McNair, Journalism, Political communication) CV (Brian McNair ; place of birth: Thurso, Scotland ; Date of Birth: December 10, 1959; M.A. Sociology, University of Glasgow, 1981; M.Phil. Comparative Communist Studies, University of Glasgow, 1982; Ph.D, Sociology, University of Glasgow, 1987) -