found: nuc88-2685: His Radon transforms of closed ... 1984(hdg. on WaU rept.: Nievergelt, Yves; usage: Yves Nievergelt)
found: His Mathematics in business administration, c1989:CIP t.p. (Yves Nievergelt; EMBA Program, Univ. of Wash.)
found: Complex analysis in one variable, 2000:CIP t.p. (Yves Nievergelt) t.p. verso (Dept. of Math., Eastern Washington Univ., Cheney, WA) data sht. (b. Apr. 23, 1954)
found: Foundations of logic and mathematics, 2001:CIP t.p. (Yves Nievergelt) data sheet (Nievergelt, Yves George; b. Apr. 23, 1954)