found: nuc89-75235: His Forbidden housing, 1983(hdg. on WaU rept.: Groth, Paul Erling; usage: Paul Erling Groth)
found: Living downtown, c1994:CIP t.p. (Paul Groth)
found: Everyday America, 2003:CIP t.p. (Paul Groth) data view (b. 1949)
found: Baker Funeral Home (Mayville, N.D.) WWW site, viewed Oct. 2, 2022(Dr. Paul Erling Groth, April 25, 1949-January 16, 2022; graduate of Mayville High School, North Dakota State University, and the University of California at Berkeley; Professor Emeritus of the Departments of Architecture and Geography at UC Berkeley; more than 30-year career in Berkeley's College of Environmental Design) -