- Quentin, Jean
- Quentin, Jean, active 1480
- Quentin, Iohannes, active 1480
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Death Date
- 1503
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
Earlier Established Forms
- Quentin, Jean
- found: nuc90-43047: Hacqueville. Sermones dominicales [MI] 1480(usage on GmC rept.: Jean Quentin)
- found: Stimulus diuini amoris deuotissimus .., 1510?:title page (per Iohanne[m] Que[n]tin)
- found: LC database, accessed May 6, 2020(hdg.: Quentin, Jean, active 1480, , ed.)
- found: VIAF, accessed May 6, 2020VIAF ID: 2614403 (Personal) (hdg.: Quentin, Jean, 14-- -1503 (National Library of France, ISNI, National Library of Portugal); Quentin, Jean (Library of Congress/NACO, German National Library, National Library of Australia); Quentin, Jean, ....-1503 (Sudoc [ABES], France); Quintin, Jean, 1500-1561 (RERO-Library Network of Western Switzerland); Quentin, Johannes (National Library of the Netherlands); Quentin, Jean, m. 1503 Vatican Library); - http://viaf.org/viaf/2614403
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
- 1990-07-02: new
- 2021-05-14: revised
Alternate Formats