found: nuc90-55548: Graves, J. Arctic animals, c1985(hdg. on CaQMM rept.: Arnaktauyok, Germaine; usage: Germaine Arnaktauyok)
found: LC data base, 09-11-90(hdg.: Arnaktauyok, Germaine)
found: Inuit art quarterly, winter 2010:p. 17 (Germaine Arnaktauyok; b. 1946 near Igloolik, Nunavut; Inuit woman artist; media: drawing, painting, and printmaking)
found: LAC internal file, March 7, 2019(heading: Arnaktauyok, Germaine; variant: Arnattaujurmut, Jirmai; Arnattaujuq, Jurmain; born 1946;Inuk printmaker, painter, and drawer originating from the Igloolik area of Nunavut; attended the Fine Arts program at the University of Manitoba School of Art; then moved to Ottawa to study at the Pembroke Campus of Algonquin College for commercial art)
found: The life & art of Germaine Arnattaujuq, 2023:CIP title page (Germaine Arnattaujuq) LAC CIP application (grew up in Nunavut at a camp near Iglulik; attended a residential school in Chesterfield Inlet; educated as an artist in Winnipeg and Ottawa, and then moved back North)
found: Unikkaaqtuat, 2023:CIP title page (Jirmai Arnattaujuq, transliterated from the Inuktitut syllabics)
found: Igmakallak, 2024:CIP title page (Jirmain Arnattaujurlu; Jirmain Arnattaujurmut; transliterated from the Inuktitut syllabics)
notfound: NLC 6-27-90.