found: MacIvor, I. Edinburgh Castle, 1993:t.p. (Historic Scotland) p. 126, etc. (In 1984 ... Scotland ... set up a new Historic Buildings and Monuments Directorate ... within the Scottish Office; in April, 1991 Historic Scotland became the formal title of a new Executive Agency formed from the Directorate with extra independence within the Scottish Office)
found: BLAISE, Jan. 1994(Historic Scotland)
found: Members' handbook, 2011/12:t.p. (Historic Scotland; Alba Aosmhor)
found: Historic Scotland WWW site, May 25, 2011:about us page (Historic Scotland is an executive agency of the Scottish Government)
found: Historic Environment Scotland WWW site, 14 July 2014(Historic Environment Scotland is the lead public body established to investigate, care for and promote Scotland's historic environment; Contact: Longmore House, Salisbury Place, Edinburgh, EH9 1SH) Corporate plan 2016-19 (We have been created by bringing together Historic Scotland and the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland, two organisations that have helped to look after our nation's past for over a century.)
found: Wikipedia, viewed 31 August 2023(Historic Scotland; responsible for safeguarding Scotland's built heritage and promoting its understanding and enjoyment; Historic Scotland was a successor organisation to the Ancient Monuments Division of the Ministry of Works and the Scottish Development Department; Historic Scotland was created as an agency in 1991 and was attached to the Scottish Executive Education Department, which embraces all aspects of the cultural heritage, in May 1999; it was dissolved and its functions were transferred to Historic Environment Scotland (HES) on 1 October 2015; HES also took over the functions of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland)
notfound: An inventory of gardens and designed landscapes in Scotland, 1987: v. 1, t.p. (Historic Buildings & Monuments Directorate, Scottish Development Department) cover (Historic Buildings and Monuments Directorate)