- Burbano, María-Amelia Viteri
- Viteri Burbano, María-Amelia
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
Identifies RWO
Has Affiliation
- Organization: American University (Washington, D.C.)
Has Affiliation
- Organization: (naf) University of Kentucky, Department of Anthropology
Has Affiliation
- Organization: University of Maryland, College Park, Department of Anthropology
Has Affiliation
- Organization: Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Has Affiliation
- Organization: FLACSO (Organization). Sede Ecuador. Departamento de Antropología e Historia
Associated Locale
- College Park (Md.)
Associated Locale
- Washington (D.C.)
Associated Locale
- Quito (Ecuador)
Associated Locale
- Lexington (Ky.)
Associated Language
- English
Associated Language
- Spanish
Field of Activity
Gender, diversity, and inclusion
Qualitative methods
Race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality and migrants
Environmental degradation
LGBT studies
Health care
Cultural anthropologist
Applied anthropologist
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
- found: Shifting positionalities, c2009:t.p. (María Amelia Viteri)
- found: Corpografías, 2017:title page (María Amelia Viteri, Iréri Ceja, Cristina Yépez) front flap (María Amelia Viteri; has Ph. D. in Cultural Anthropology from American University, Washington, D.C.)
- found: Desbordes, 2019:title page (María-Amelia Viteri Burbano)
- found: Author's website, December 2, 2021:(María Amelia Viteri; social scientist with 20 years of experience working as both an applied anthropologist, gender, diversity, and inclusion specialist, and professor of cultural anthropology, linguistics, qualitative methods, and gender, queer, globalization, migration, and LGBT studies; researcher speciializing in the central role race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality and migrant status play in structural gender inequality, including displacement, environmental degradation, lack of access to health and education, nutrition, and curricula; bachelor's in linguistics; master's in gender and development studies; Ph.D. in cultural anthropology with a concentration on race, gender, and social justice, American University, in Washington D.C.; professor and researcher who has been affiliated with the University of Kentucky, the University of Maryland, College Park, the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Anthropology, and the Departamento de Antropología e Historia of the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO-Sede Ecuador; author of several works in English and Spanish including Shifting positionalities, Corpografías, and Desbordes; has links to her Facebook, Academia, and Twitter pages) - https://mariaameliaviteri.academia.edu/research - https://mariaameliaviteri.academia.edu/
- found: Author's Academia page, December 2, 2021:(María Amelia Viteri; affiliated with the Department of Anthropology, University of Maryland, College Park; [email protected], [email protected]) - https://umcp.academia.edu/MariaAmeliaViteri
- found: Author's Twotter page, December 2, 2021:(Dr. Maria Amelia Viteri) - https://twitter.com/mariamev
- found: University of Maryland (College Park), Department of Anthropology website, December 2, 2021:(María Amelia Viteri; professor; researcher; [email protected]) - https://anth.umd.edu/facultyprofile/viteri/maria-amelia
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
- 2009-03-26: new
- 2024-04-19: revised
Alternate Formats