found: An age of consent: law, discipline and violence on the South African Gold Mines ..., 1995:t.p. (Keith Derek Breckenridge)
found: Biometric state, 2014:ECIP title page (Keith Breckenridge, University of the Witwatersrand)
found: OCLC, June 9, 2014(hdgs.: Breckenridge, Keith; Breckenridge, Keith Derek; Breckenridge, Keith Derek, 1965- ; usage: Keith Breckenridge, Keith Derek Breckenridge)
found: Cambridge Global Challenges, International Development Research @ Cambridge (website), Professor Keith Breckenridge (Deputy Director, Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research, South Africa) - visit to Cambridge: 28-30th March 2018, viewed September 15, 2023(one of the editors of the Journal of African History; he writes about the cultural and economic history of South Africa, particularly the gold mining industry, the state, and the development of information systems; he studied at Wits and Johns Hopkins and completed his PhD at Northwestern in 1995)