found: Exploits of a reluctant (but extremely goodlooking) hero, c2007:t.p. (Maureen Fergus)
found: You're in good paws, 2019:CIP title page (Maureen Fergus) LAC CIP application (Canadian)
found: LAC internal file, October 29, 2018(heading: Fergus, Maureen; born 1967-06-09, that is, June 9, 1967)
found: Ortega, 2015:title page (Maureen Fergus) page 4 of cover (lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba)
found: Fergus, Maureen. The reptile club [ER], c2018:t.p. frame (written by Maureen Fergus) about the author p. frame (author of books for kids of all ages; her picture books include The Day My Mom Came to Kindergarten, The Day Dad Joined My Soccer Team, and the Buddy and Earl series)
found: Prophecy, 2025:CIP title page (M.L. Fergus) LAC CIP application form (Person is associated with Canada)