found: Meaning Inc., 2007:title page (Gurnek Bains) dust jacket (founder and CEO of YSC, a corporate psychology consultancy)
found: The influence of control motivation on social cognition, 1984:title page (Gurnek Singh Bains; D.Phil. thesis, Univ. of Oxford)
found: YSC WWW pages, July 31, 2007(Gurnek Bains, DPhil.; degree in social psychology, Univ. of Sussex; doctorate, Oxford Univ.)
found: Cultural DNA:eCIP title page (Gurnek Bains) data view screen (b. 1957)
found: England our England : stories of the black and asian migrant pioneers, 2020:title page (Gurnek Bains) page 208 (Gunek Bains came over to Britain at the age of six from the Punjab in India; He is a psychologist by background and Managing Partner of the leadership consulting firm Global Future)