The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Name Authority File (LCNAF)

Sligh, Charles R., Jr. (Charles Robert), 1906-1997

  • URI(s)

  • Fuller Name

    • Charles Robert
  • Variants

    • Sligh, Charles R. (Charles Robert), b. 1906
  • Identifies LC/NAF RWO

  • Identifies RWO

    • Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

    • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

    • Earlier Established Forms

      • Sligh, Charles R. (Charles Robert), b. 1906
    • Sources

      • found: What organized labor expects of management, 1956?:cover (Charles R. Sligh, Jr.)
      • found: OCLC, July 3, 2008(hdg.: Sligh, Charles Robert, 1906- ; Sligh, Charles R.; usage: Charles R. Sligh, Jr.)
      • found: Charles R. Sligh, in Chronoscope, 1953:title frame (Charles R. Sligh, Jr., President of the National Association of Manufacturers)
      • found: Furniture City History, via WWW, November 22, 2013(Sligh, Charles R. Co./Sligh Furniture Co.; the Charles R. Sligh Co. was started by Charles R. Sligh, Jr. and O.W. Lowry, both former executives of the huge Sligh Furniture Co., which closed in 1933; Charles R. Sligh's experience as a traveling salesman and treasurer with that company complemented Lowry's knowledge of engineering and production efficiency; Charles R. Sligh, Jr. served as president of the Grand Rapids Furniture Manufacturers Association in the 1940s, and the Grand Rapids Furniture Makers Guild and the National Association of Manufacturers in the 1950s)
      • found: Michigan Historical Collections, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, via WWW, November 22, 2013(Finding Aid for Sligh Family Papers, 1842-1967; Charles R. Sligh, Jr. (1906- ); in 1933, Sligh and O.W. Lowry pooled their resources to purchase an idle furniture factory in Holland, Michigan, and the Charles R. Sligh Company gradually grew; in 1940, the two men opened another plant (the Sligh-Lowry Company) in Zeeland, Michigan; this was followed in 1945 by a third company, the Grand Rapids Chair Company, then by a fourth, the Sligh Furniture Showrooms in New York City; as a skilled debater, he became a spokesman first for the furniture industry and then for all of American business through his work with the National Association of Manufacturers; Sligh was chairman of the NAM's taxation committee, and in 1952 was vice president of the NAM's Michigan-Ohio region; he was elected president of the NAM in December 1952, and after his term expired in December 1953, he was elected chairman of the NAM Executive Board; in April 1957, he was elected chief administrative officer and executive vice president of the organization; while with NAM, Sligh gained fame as spokesman for the business point of view in a series of debates with labor leaders, notably George Meany and Walter Reuther)
      • found:, November 22, 2013(Charles R. Sligh, Junior; Charles Robert Sligh, Jr.; born January 8, 1906 in Grand Rapids, Michigan; died January 25, 1997 in Palm Beach, Florida)
    • Instance Of

    • Scheme Membership(s)

    • Collection Membership(s)

    • Change Notes

      • 2008-07-03: new
      • 2013-11-26: revised
    • Alternate Formats