found: Kantzenbach, E. Alias, 2011:cover (Nelly Alias Dix (1923-1955)) table of contents (Nelly Dix-Thaesler; b. June 14, 1923 in Düsseldorf, Germany; d. Jan. 9, 1955 in Singen a. Htwl.; daughter of Otto and Martha Dix) p. 1 (Nelly Dix; Nelly Dix-Thaesler; Nelly Alias Dix)
found: OCLC, Feb. 15, 2012(hdg.: Dix, Nelly, 1924?-1955)
found: German National Library authority file, via WWW, viewed Feb. 15, 2012(hdg.: Dix, Nelly; references: Dix-Thaesler, Nelly, Alias Dix, Nelly, Thaesler, Nelly; 1923-1955)