found: Introducing the electricity demand and generation scenarios, via WWW, Aug. 15, 2012:cover of .pdf (Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment)
found: Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment WWW site, Aug. 8, 2012:about us (Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment; MBIE; Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment; integrates the functions of four former agencies - the Department of Building and Housing, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Department of Labour and the Ministry of Science and Innovation)
found: Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment WWW site, viewed on April 30, 2013:formation of the ministry (The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment was formed on July 1, 2012, bringing together four separate government agencies into one ministry. These agencies were Department of Building and Housing, Ministry of Economic Development, Department of Labour, Ministry of Science and Innovation)
found: Phone call from Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, January 28, 2013(initially the 4 groups were separate groups within the ministry but the full change of name took place in November 2012 and now all 4 groups are amalgamated into the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment)
found: Its Statement of intent, via WWW, viewed on November 25, 2013:2013-2016, PDF title page (Hikina Whakatutuki)
found: Callaghan Innovation WWW site, viewed on December 9, 2013:news and events, 1 February 2013 (Callaghan Innovation brings together the former crown research institute IRL, MBIE's business investments team, the Auckland Foodbowl, and NZTE's Lean Manufacturing programme)
found: Ministry of Housing and Urban Development WWW site, viewed on November 14, 2018:about HUD (The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development [was] formed on 1 October 2018, and brings together functions from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and Ministry of Social Development)
found: Pacific economic trends and snapshot 2016, via WWW, viewed on February 17, 2023:PDF title page (NZIER report to the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment)
found: Fish passage assessment tool mobile application, via WWW, viewed on February 17, 2023:PDF title page (Prepared for Ministry for Business, Innovation & Employment)