Gracchus, Sempronius, -14
Identifies LC/NAF RWO
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Field of Activity
Authors, Latin
Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: Gracchus. Atalanta, Peliades, Thystes, Ex incerta fabula:Classical Latin texts (online), February 19, 2013, entry for Gracchus (Gracchus, trag., tragoediae 1) -
found: Teuffel's history of Roman literature, volume 1, 1900:page 516 (Gracchus in Thyeste...Gracchus in Atalanta...probably identical with Sempronius Gracchus)
found: Boyle, A.J., An introduction to Roman tragedy, 2006:page 166 (Sempronius Gracchus...achieved notoriety as one of the adulterous lovers of Augustus' daughter Julia...He was later (14 CE) executed by Tiberius...To Gracchus are attributed an Atalanta, Peliades and Thyestes)
notfound: VIAF, LC, OCLC [February 22, 2013]
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Change Notes
2014-01-09: new
2014-03-27: revised
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