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Hoberecht, Earnest, 1918-1999

  • URI(s)

  • Fuller Name

    • Earnest Trevar
  • Identifies LC/NAF RWO

  • Identifies RWO

    • Birth Date

    • Death Date

    • Birth Place

        Watonga (Okla.)
    • Associated Language

    • Occupation


    • Exact Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

    • Sources

      • found: Asia is my beat, 1961:title page (Earnest Hoberecht)
      • found: Tokyo romance, 1947title page (Earnest Hoberecht)
      • found: The New York Times, via WWW, October 7, 2014(September 26, 1999 edition; Earnest Hoberecht, Popular Novelist in Occupied Japan, Is Dead at 81; Earnest Hoberecht (pronounced HO-bright), an American who became a major literary figure in Japan just after World War II on the strength of some romance novels he wrote in a matter of weeks, died Wednesday, September 22, 1999 at an Oklahoma City hospital; Mr. Hoberecht was born January 1, 1918 in Watonga, Okla., where he grew up; he earned a journalism degree from Oklahoma University, then worked as a reporter for The Memphis Press-Scimitar; he quit to go to Hawaii to work as a laborer at Pearl Harbor, and from there wound up covering the occupation of Japan; by day, Mr. Hoberecht wrote news articles and tried to recruit Asian subscribers for the wire service, United Press International; he wrote his novels after 5:30 P.M., generally by dictating to a secretary; a translator who had won considerable local attention with a Japanese version of 'Gone With the Wind' then put it into Japanese; by writing novels in English and having them immediately translated into Japanese, Mr. Hoberecht became, for a little over two years, the best-known, and virtually the only, American writer available in Japan as it rebuilt itself and its society under the Allied occupation; he returned to his hometown in 1966, where he ran a number of family businesses, including an insurance company and a title company; his writing was restricted to occasional letters to the editor complaining about low wheat prices)
      • found:, October 7, 2014Earnest Hoberecht; Earnest T. Hoberecht, Jr.; Earnest Trevar Hoberecht, Jr.; born January 1, 1918 in Watonga,Oklahoma; died September 22, 1999 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)
    • Instance Of

    • Scheme Membership(s)

    • Collection Membership(s)

    • Change Notes

      • 2014-10-08: new
      • 2014-10-09: revised
    • Alternate Formats