found: Ashton, S. Along the road, c1994:t.p. (Christine Denté)
found: Christine Dente WWW site, October 8, 2019(Christine Dente; author, singer-songwriter; grew up in rural Lancaster, Pennsylvania; married Scott Dente in 1987; lives in Nashville)
found: Wikipedia, October 8, 2019(under Out of the Grey, contemporary Christian music group: Christine Dente, lead vocals)
found: U.S. copyright file, October 8, 2019(Dente, Christine, 1964- )
found: Christian Music Archive WWW site, October 8, 2019(Ashton, Becker, Dente is a collaborative effort of three of the top female vocalists in 90's Christian music: Susan Ashton, Margaret Becker, and Christine Dente (of Out of the Grey); they released one album together, Along the road, in 1994)