found: Insurance law, 1999:t.p. (John Lowry, Brunel Univ.) bk. jkt. (dep. dir., Cent. for Consumer and Commercial Law Research, Brunel; Hon. Res. Fellow, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ.)
found: RLIN, Mar. 27, 2000(hdg.: Lowry, John P.; usage: John P. Lowry, John Lowry)
found: Environmental protection and the Common law, 2000:t.p. (John Lowry) jkt. (reader in law at the Univ. of Warwick; Honorary Research Fellow at the Graduate School, Fairleigh Dickinson Univ., N.J.)
found: E-mail from pub., Aug. 22, 2005(John P. Lowry, b. May 8, 1951)
found: Pettet's company law, 2009:ECIP t.p. (John Lowry)