found: Lectionum memorabilium et reconditarum centenarii XVI, 1600:t.p. (Iohan. Wolfii)
found: RLIN, 1/4/99(hdg.: Wolf, Johann, 1537-1600; var.: Wolf, Johann, 1537-1616)
found: Gaguin, Robert. Roberti Gaguini Rerum Gallicarum Annales, cum Huberti Velleij supplemento., 1577:title page (Cum praefatione, ad Reuerendissimum Principem ac Dominum, D. Marquardum ab Hatstain Episcopum Spirensem, Io. Wolfii I.C.)
found: English Wikipedia, viewed on Jan. 14th, 2025(Johann Wolf [or] Joannes Wolfius (10 August 1537 in Bergzabern - 23 May 1600 in Mundelsheim) was a German jurist who corresponded with Lelio Sozzini on the sacrament 1555. He was also a diplomat, translator, historian and theologian.) -
found: Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, viewed on Jan. 14th, 2025(Wolf, Johann; born Bergzabern, 1537; died Mundelsheim, 1600 ; active in Strassbourg, Wittenberg, Tübingen, Bourges, Angers, Dole: Speyer, Meisenheim, Mundelsheim; variant names: Wolf, Johannes; Wolffius, Johannes; Wolfius, Johannes; Wolff, Johann; Wolff, Johannes) -